Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Sigma Xi – Tarleton Chapter. (January 2004 – Present). Secretary, Fall 06 – Spr 08,
ENGR 1100, Engineering First Year Seminary
ENGR 1211, Fundamentals of Engineering I
ENGR 1212, Fundamentals of Engineering II
ENGR 2321, Prin of Engineering I
ENPH 2448, Digital Design
ENPH 3314, Signals and Systems
ENPH/PHYS 4336, Solid State Physics
ENPH 4443, Linear Control Systems
ENPH 4386, Problems: Image Processing
Denise Martinez. “Sustainable Assessment from the Course through the Program Level”, RosEvaluation Conference, Presentation, April 1-2, 2013, online.
Denise Martinez and Gay Wakefield, “If We’d Known Then…A Journey through a Monitoring Report”, Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR) Conference, Presentation, Oct. 5-8, 2013, Memphis TN.
Gay Wakefield and Denise Martinez, “If We’d Known Then What We Know Now…”, 13th Annual Texas A&M Assessment Conference, Presentation, Feb. 2013, College Station, TX.
Martinez, D., Jacks, J., Jones, D., Faulkner B. and Bell, P. (2010). “Work in Progress – Recruiting Initiatives for Hispanic, First-generation Students”, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 27-30, 2010.
Martinez, D., Jacks, J., Jones, D., Faulkner, B., Bell, P., Mollick, G. and White, P. (2010). “Work in Progress – First Year Retention of Hispanic, First-generation Students”, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 27-30, 2010.
Brad Chilton, Kelli Styron, Denise Martinez, 115th SACS-COC Annual Meeting, “Preparing for the On-site Visit: A Case Study of One University’s Reaffirmation,” (Presentation, session CS-103), Louisville, KY. (Dec. 6, 2010)
Brad Chilton, Kelli Styron, Denise Martinez, 114th SACS-COC Annual Meeting, “The Light at the End of the Tunnel,” (Presentation, session CS-47), Atlanta, GA. (Dec. 6, 2009)
Denise Martinez, Excellence in Teaching Conference, “Keynote: Tarleton’s QEP,” (Presentation), Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX. (March 27, 2009).
Denise Martinez and Carol Thompson, 9th Annual Texas A&M Assessment Conference, “End of Course Evaluation Form: A Program Assessment Tool for Faculty,” (Presentation), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. (February 23, 2009).
Martinez, D. M., Smith, K. H., Positively Impacting Mathematics and Science Instruction K-16. Journal of the Effective Schools Project, 2006.
Denise Martinez, “First Time Accreditation of a Small, Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Physics Program”, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference, 2007
Kathy Horak Smith and Denise Martinez, “Positively Impacting Mathematics and Science Instruction K-16”, Journal of the Effective Schools Project (Tarleton State University), 2006
Martinez, D. M., Smith, K. H. (2003). An Engineering and Education Interdisciplinary Learning Experience. Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.
Martinez, D. M., Hibbs, M. F. (2003). Using Summer Camps to Motivate Rural Students in Science and Engineering. Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.
Martinez, Denise M. (Principal), Barker, Tommy G. (Co-Principal), Bell-Chacon, Peter (Co-Principal), Jones, Dennis G. (Co-Principal), White, Peter (Co-Principal), “Program to Increase College Opportunities and Successes,” Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $598,000.00. (September 2007 – August 2013).
Martinez, Denise M. (Principal), Rinard, Bethany Dawn (Co-Principal), “Engineering Camp for Girls,” Sponsored by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, State, $11,111.11. (April 1, 2009 – August 31, 2009).
Martinez, Denise M. (Co-Principal), “Launching the Texas Engineering Education Pipeline: Deploying the Infinity Project Statewide,” Sponsored by Texas Engineering and Technology Consortium (TETC), State, $23,014.00. (2002 – 2007).
Martinez, Denise M., “Development of a Simulated Visual Servo System Using Image Process and Neural Networks,” Sponsored by TSU Organized Research Grant, Tarleton State University, $13,643.00. (September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2007).
Martinez, Denise M. (Principal), “Camp Activities and Course Reform,” Sponsored by Texas Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Prep (TxCETP) Level II, Federal, $4,810.00. (2002).
Martinez, Denise M. (Principal), “Engineering Physics Summer Camp,” Sponsored by TSU Organized Research Grant, Tarleton State University, $4,096.00. (September 2001 – August 2002).
Engineers Club Student Organization Advisor, (September 2003 – Present; when active).