Computer vision and Artificial Intelligence techniques are now widely used in a variety of industrial and scientific fields. My interest in the use of these tools is to design and construct robust automatic binary star light curve classifiers. This work will incorporate knowledge from advance image processing and artificial neural networks.
Why this research interest?
The onset of a variety of survey missions (ROTSE, KEPLER, GAIA, COROT and INTEGRAL) will lead to an explosive growth of astronomical data. For example, in its search for extra-solar planets the KEPLER mission will discover new eclipsing binary stars. It is almost certain that the number of known eclipsing binary stars, will increase from some tens of thousands to several million stars. Even the most basic task of picking out systems to provide information of astrophysical value will be a challenging task. Data mining on such a vast number of systems will require the use of automated and artificial intelligence based observational and analysis tools. From this enormous set of eclipsing binary stars, it will be important to have the capability and classification technique that can be implemented using an artificial neural networks.
The role of students
This type of research is in the frontiers of physics, as such students can acquire skills necessary to secure jobs in today’s market. The skills are learning about image processing, working with advance image processing tools IDL, design, implementation and testing of algorithms in C/C++, learning what is artificial neural networks and a variety of software tools used in today’s science. Most of all they learn how to use these tools in physics and astronomy.
Equipment and Facility
The Astrophysics research lab in the science building contains a host of PC computers that can be used for data processing and analysis. Currently we have several Linux machines and windows computers with advance image processing and neural network software. We also have access to cluster computing lab on the campus for projects that demand substantial computing facility.
If your interest are similar, or would like to work with me in collaboration then drop me an email. Thank you for visiting here.