Morgan, C. L., and K.K. Herrmann. In Review. Thermally-mediated variation of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in a north central Texas population of Acris blanchardi. Herpetological Review.
Carpenter, N., and K.K. Herrmann. Accepted. Fitness effects of helminth parasites in a matrotrophic fish. Journal of Parasitology.
Carpenter, N., and K.K. Herrmann. Accepted. Variation in helminth parasite component communities of Gambusia affinis. Journal of Parasitology.
Ruehle, B.P., K.K. Herrmann, and C.L. Higgins. 2017. Helminth parasite assemblages in two cyprinids with different life history strategies. Aquatic Ecology 51:247-256. doi:10.1007/s10452-017-9614-7
Griffin, S.L., N. Carpenter, A. Smith-Herron, and K.K. Herrmann. 2017. Microhabitat selection and eyefluke infection levels in the western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Journal of Parasitology 103:1-5. doi:10.1645/16-85
Price, C.J., D.H. Kattes, K.K. Herrmann, and C.L. Higgins. 2015. Spatial and temporal distributions of the spinose ear tick, Otobius megnini, within animal shelters at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. The Southwestern Naturalist 60:224-230.
Herrmann, K.K., R. Poulin, D.B. Keeney, and I. Blasco-Costa. 2014. Genetic structure in a progenetic trematode: signs of a cryptic species. International Journal for Parasitology 44:811-818.
Poulin, R., G.P. Closs, A.W.T. Lill, A.S. Hicks, K.K. Herrmann, and D. Kelly. 2012. Migration as an escape from parasitism in New Zealand galaxiid fishes. Oecologia 169:995-963.
Herrmann, K.K., and R. Poulin. 2012. The missing host hypothesis: do chemical cues from predators induce life cycle truncation of trematodes within their fish host? Journal of Fish Biology 80:816-830.
Herrmann, K.K., and R. Poulin. 2012. Geographic variation in life cycle strategies of a progenetic trematode. Journal of Parasitology 98:103-110.
Herrmann, K.K., and R.E. Sorensen. 2011. Differences in susceptibility to mortality-related trematodes in two waterbirds. Journal of Parasitology 97: 555-558.
Herrmann, K.K., and R. Poulin. 2011. Encystment site affects the reproductive strategy of a progenetic trematode in its fish intermediate host: is host spawning an exit for parasite eggs? Parasitology 138:1183-1192.
Herrmann, K.K., and R. Poulin. 2011. Life cycle truncation in a progenetic trematode: does high temperature indicate shorter host longevity? International Journal for Parasitology 41:679-704.
Luque, J.L., F.M. Vieira, K.K. Herrmann, T.M. King, R. Poulin, and C. Lagrue. 2010. New evidence on a cold case: trophic transmission, distribution and host-specificity in Hedruris spinigera (Nematoda: Hedruridae). Folia Parasitologica 57:223-231.
Herrmann, K.K., and R.E. Sorensen. 2009. Seasonal dynamics of two mortality-related trematodes using an introduced snail. Journal of Parasitology 95:823-828.