
PHYSICS 102-010 CRN #13588 Essential Elements of Physics

    Room 109 Science, Monday & Wednesday (10:00 am – 10:50 am)
LABORATORY TIME:    Room 235 Science, Monday (2:00 pm -4:50 pm)
                                 Room 235 Science, Tuesday (2:25 pm -5:15 pm)

INSTRUCTOR:    Dr.  Mike Hibbs            e-mail    hibbs@tarleton.edu
                        Office 213A Science

OFFICE HOURS:      213A Science Building, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm – If you feel that you need or want any additional help, please let me know during lecture or lab!  If you need to contact me outside of class, you may call me or e-mail me.

1. Texts:

Physics Fundamentals, Paul Hewitt
Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual,  Paul Robinson

2. Course Description:
This course introduces fundamental physics and astronomy concepts. Students are expected to design and conduct inquiry based experiments including the development of hypothesis, collection and analysis of data, and the use of appropriate laboratory equipment. Topics include motion, forces, energy, waves, light, electricity, magnetism, stellar and planetary evolution, and the atom. This course is required for Interdisciplinary Studies Majors.

3. Prerequisites:
MATH 107 College Algebra

4. Course Objectives:
should be able to demonstrate an ability to:

  1. research and document the TEKS science requirements for your appropriate grade level.
  2. conduct laboratory investigations using safe and appropriate practices to include:
    1. planning and implementing procedures
    2. formulating hypotheses
    3. selecting and using equipment and technology
    4. collecting experimental data
    5. analyze data to include constructing graphs and charts, draw inferences and predict trends
    6. communicate valid conclusions
  3. apply the concepts of motion and Newton’s Laws to analyze and explain physical phenomena
  4. apply the energy and momentum concepts including definitions of mechanical and thermal energies to analyze and explain physical phenomena
  5. apply wave concepts including reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference to analyze and explain wave phenomena
  6. apply the properties of light to analyze and explain various optical and natural phenomena.
  7. be able to describe various historical models of the solar system and the experimental observations that each model correctly and/or incorrectly predicts
  8. describe the characteristics of the universe such as stars and galaxies
  9. be able to relate the movements of the Earth and moon relative to the sun to various physical phenomena including the phases of the moon, seasons, length of the day, etc.
  10. be able to use basic concepts in electricity and magnetism to analyze or describe  various electromagnetic phenomena including electromagnetism, DC circuits, motors, and electrical power generation by electromagnetic induction.
  11. effectively communicate mathematical and scientific information in written and oral form.
  12. be able to distinguish between an investigate and non-investigate question
  13. be able to describe the cultural, economic, philosophic and political impact of science discoveries in mechanics, astronomy, and electromagnetism upon society.

5. Academic Honesty:
Cheating, plagiarism (submitting another person’s materials or ideas as one’s own), or doing work for another person who will receive academic credit are all-impermissible.  This includes the use of unauthorized books, notebooks, or other sources in order to secure of give help during an examination, the unauthorized copying of examinations, assignments, reports, or term papers, or the presentation of unacknowledged material as if it were the student’s own work.  Disciplinary action may be taken beyond the academic discipline administered by the faculty member who teaches the course in which the cheating took place.

6. Students with Disabilities Policy:
It is the policy of Tarleton State University to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal, state, and local laws relative to the provision of disability services. Students with disabilities attending Tarleton State University may contact the Office of Disability Services at (254) 968-9478 to request appropriate accommodation.  Furthermore, formal accommodation requests cannot be made until the student has been officially admitted to Tarleton State University.

7. Grading:

  1. Your final grade will be based on the following:
    • 60% – Total average of the three lecture tests and comprehensive lecture final exam Each exam will be weighed equally and no exam score will be dropped.
    • 20% – Total average of all home work
    • 20% – Total average of all laboratory assignments
  2. Exams, and the final will be closed book with only one page single side of notes allowed.  Calculators may be required. (no cell phone calculators)
  3. The grade scale will be: A = (90-100), B = (80-89), C = (70-79), D = (60-69), F = (0-59). All grades are subject to statistical adjustment (curving) at the discretion of the instructor.
  4. The Final Exam will be Friday, May 7, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm

8. Attendance:
Absences may be recorded.  However, lecture attendance will not directly affect your lecture grade.  You will be responsible for any information given in the lectures and laboratories.  If you miss a class, get the class and lab notes from another student!

9. Exam Make-Up:
Lecture tests must be made up with proper arrangements or the missed work will receive a grade of zero.  Note, make up work is the responsibility of the student and is permitted solely at the discretion of the instructor. Note, no make-up exam will be allowed for a test already handed back in class. If you know in advance that you will miss a lecture test, you must let the instructor know in advance so proper arrangements can be made.  If you miss a lecture test because of unexpected events beyond your control, you must contact me at the first opportunity to schedule a make up.

10. Homework:
Homework will be administered through WebAssign. Every student is responsible for obtaining WebAssign and keeping up with the homework assignments.  Each assignment will be set to allow four chances to get the right answer.  Only two extensions will be granted if you cannot submit your homework on time.

11. Laboratory Requirements
The labs to be done in a given day will be announced in the lecture prior to the lab.  Students must bring their lab manual, lab notebook, pencil, and calculator to each lab. (See information on keeping a Lab Notebook)

General Comments:
You will also be asked to do some application of basic equations. This course is designed to be educational, as well as, fun!  The format is informal where student participation is expected. I encourage students to work and study in groups.  If you ever feel frustrated or behind, please come see me and we will find away to help you through the course.