Associate Professor
Dept. of Chemistry, Geosciences & Physics
Box T-0885, Stephenville, TX 76402
Phone: (254) 968-9150 / Fax (254) 968-9534
email: hibbs@tarleton.edu
- Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Engineering (Mechanics & Materials), Texas A&M University, Aug. 1988,
- Dissertation: “Microscopic Delamination Processes and Resulting Crack Tip Strain Fields of Graphite/Epoxy Composites”
- M.S., Physics, Stephen F. Austin State University, August 1980,
- Thesis: “Design and Construction of an Astronomical Photometer/Photometric Study of U-Cephei”
- B.S., Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, July 1977
Academic and Teaching
- Associate Professor, Tarleton State University, 2000 – Present
- Graduate Faculty, Tarleton State University
- Adjunct Instructor, Western Texas College, 2013 – Present
- Director of Astronomy Education and Research, Tarleton State University, 2002 -2007
- Design and oversaw construction of the $1.5M Digital Planetarium
- Design and oversaw construction of the $1.2M Research Grade 0.8m Observatory
- Occasional Faculty at TCU, 1999 – 2000
- Adjunct Instructor of Natural Science, Tarrant County Junior College, 1991 – 1999
- Physics and Astronomy (normally 152 contact hours each semester)
- Instructor of Physics & Astronomy and Laboratory Coordinator, Stephen F. Austin State University, August 1980 – May 1983
- Secondary Physics and Physical Science teacher and Science Department Chairman, Nolan Catholic High School, Ft. Worth, TX, 1977 – 1978
- Noble Planetarium Lecturer, 1974 – 1977
- Sigma Pi Sigma, Physics Honors Society (Faculty Advisor)
- Community education/service, providing astronomy lectures and star shows for the local state parks which resulted in a special recognition from the State Park System, 1992 – Present
Courses Taught:
Great ideas of Physics (Phys 101), Fundamentals Essentials of Physics (Phys 102, Physics for Teachers), Planetary Astronomy (Phys 103), Stellar Astronomy (Phys 113), Trig based Mechanics (Phys 104), Trig based E&M (Phys 105), Cal based Physics (Phys 122), Cal based Physics, on-line (Phys 2425), Cal based Physics, on-line (Phys 2426), Astrophysics Research (Phys 408), Special Problems in Physics (Phys 486), Current Topics in Astrophysics (Phys 503 Graduate), Engineering Principles III (Engr 223, Materials Science), Engineering Integration (Engr 460, Capstone), 12th grade Physics, 7th & 8th grade Physical Science
- Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems / General Dynamics Fort Worth Division
- Engineering Specialist Senior / Engineering Chief, Aug. 1996 to Aug. 2000
- Integrate Product Development (IPT) Program Manager, Technology Integration; Internal and Contracted Research & Development
- Lead Engineer, Feb. 1992 to Aug. 1996
- Lead for F-22 Composite Materials; Fatigue & Fracture and Structural Integrity
- Lead for F-22 Composite Materials; Development, Processing, Qualification, Testing, and Design and Manufacturing Support
- Engineering Specialist, Feb. 1988 to Feb. 1992
- Engineering Support for the F-16, A-12 and F-22 Programs
- Coordinator and Lead of Internal and Contracted Research & Development for Composite Materials and Processes
- Corporate Representative to University Composite Research Consortia and Corporate Composite Working Group
Owner and Manager of Skywatch Products, Telescope and Astronomy Supplies Retail Store, Benbrook, TX, 1998 – 2001
Professional Societies and Organization:
- Sigma Xi, Professional Research Society, (past Vice President and President)
- Society of Physics Students (Faculty Advisor) Awarded 2013 National Outstanding Chapter
- Sigma Pi Sigma, Physics Honors Society (Faculty Advisor)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Astronomy Association
- International Astronomical Search Coalition, (Contributing Astronomer)
- American Association of Variable Star Observers
- Southwestern Association of Planetariums (past Vice President)
- Texas Chapter AAPT/SPS/APS Conference Co-organizer and Conference Session Chairman, 2004 and 2013
- Nomination for Texas Engineering Foundation Graduate Student Award
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Lone Star Legends Certificate of Appreciation for Exceptional Education Volunteer Work
- Service award from Stephenville ISD for volunteer work to the Stephenville ISD in enriching education.
- Inducted into the Third Cohort of Academy of Educator Faculty, Tarleton State University
- Recognition of Observational Data Support in Asteroid Research for the International Astronomical Search Coalition and NASA’s Target Asteroids! 2013 Campaign
- Sigma Xi Showcase Undergraduate Judge (Spring 2014)
- Special Invited Speaker, 7th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics, April 10-12, 2014, Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
Lead and coordinated a Memorandum of Understanding that encourages cooperative and beneficial interaction between Tarleton and Lake Mineral Wells State Park
Available Upon Request
Publications and Papers Presented: (See Addendum for Publications and Papers Prior to 2009)
Peer Reviewed Published Data
- 110 Peer Reviewed Minor Planet Center Circulars Publications – From 6/01/2011 to 2/01/20114 – 110 peer reviewed published asteroid identification and astrometry data (10 of which are pending discoveries and/or provisional confirmations), The Minor Planet Circulars/Minor Planets and Comets Supplements, Division III of the International Astronomical Union, Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A., ISSN 1528-137 (see attachment 1)
Special Invited Speaker
- “Tarleton State University – Research, Education and Outreach”, Dr. Mike Hibbs, 7th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics, April 10-12, 2014, Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
Directed Student Research Presentations (Astronomy/Physics):
- Development of an Image Library of Abell Clusters in Search of Supernovae, James Boshart, Courtney Gieger, oral Presentation, Spring meeting of the Texas Sections of APS, AAPT and SPS, Stephenville, TX, April 4, 2013.
- The use of Abell Galaxy Clusters to Search for Supernovae, James Boshart, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, College Station, TX.,Fall 2011
- Asteroid Detection Using Tarleton’s 0.8m Research Telescope, Court Sullivan, Jordan Hernandez, Jake Rhodes, James Boshart, Courtney Geiger, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, College Station, TX.,Fall 2011, awarded distinguished poster
- Obtaining and Analyzing Light Curves of Two Recent Supernovae, Jordan Hernandez, James Boshart, Courtney Sullivan, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, College Station, TX.,Fall 2011.
- The development of an Abell Galaxy Clusters Image Library to Search for Supernovae, James Boshart, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, Canyon, TX, Fall 2010
- The Search and Discovery of Near Earth Asteroids, Court Sullivan, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, Canyon, TX, Fall 2010
Funded Grants: (See Addendum for Grants Prior to 2009, totaling $756,267)
External Funded Grants
- International Astronomical Coalition Research Grants For Observatory Maintenance and Student Research Wages
$1,000, FY 2010 $1,000, FY 2011 $1,200, FY 2012 $1,000, FY 2013
Total $4,200
Internal Funded Grants
- Summer 2013, College of Science and Technology Dean’s funded research
Total $1,340
- As Faculty Mentor, Student Funding obtained for University Undergraduate Assistantship (URA’s)
Fall 2013 – 1 student, $1000
Fall 2012 – 4 students, $1000 each student
Summer 2011 – 2 students, $1000 each student
Summer 2011 – 3 students, $2000 each student
Total $13,000
- As Faculty Mentor, First Year Research Experience, Summer 2014 – 1 student, $2000 and a room and board allowance
Total $2,000
- As Faculty Mentor, Awarded Applied Learning Experience (ALE)
Total $1,500
Publications: (Astronomy)
Minor Planet Center Circulars – From 6/01/2011 to 2/01/20114 – 110 peer reviewed published asteroid identification and astrometry data (10 of which are pending discoveries and/or provisional confirmations), The Minor Planet Circulars/Minor Planets and Comets Supplements, Division III of the International Astronomical Union, Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A., ISSN 1528-137
Astronomy/Physics Related Papers Presented:
- Texas Academy of Science, “New Solutions of Two Marginally Contact Binaries – EMCEP and SWLAC”, N. L. Markworth, M. F. Hibbs, E. Michaels, March 1981.
- Texas Academy of Science, “Photoelectric Photometry at Stephen F. Austin State University”, March 1981.
- American Astronomical Society, “Photometry at S.F.A. Observatory”, N.L. Markworth, M.F. Hibbs, January 1981.
- Texas Section of American Association of Physics Teachers, “Photoelectric Photometry at Stephen F. Austin”, Fall 1979.
- Texas Section of American Association of Physics Teachers, “Recent Activity of U-Cephei”, Fall 1979.
- Texas Section of American Association of Physics Teachers, “Practical Astronomy for In-Service Teachers”, Fall 1978.
Directed Student Research Presentations: (Astronomy/Physics)
- Development of an Image Library of Abell Clusters in Search of Supernovae, James Boshart, Courtney Gieger, oral Presentation, Spring meeting of the Texas Sections of APS, AAPT and SPS, Stephenville, TX, April 4, 2013.
- The use of Abell Galaxy Clusters to Search for Supernovae, James Boshart, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, College Station, TX.,Fall 1011
- Asteroid Detection Using Tarleton’s 0.8m Research Telescope, Court Sullivan, Jordan Hernandez, Jake Rhodes, James Boshart, Courtney Geiger, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, College Station, TX.,Fall 2011, awarded distinguished poster
- Obtaining and Analyzing Light Curves of Two Recent Supernovae, Jordan Hernandez, James Boshart, Courtney Sullivan, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, College Station, TX.,Fall 1011.
- The development of an Abell Galaxy Clusters Image Library to Search for Supernovae, James Boshart, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, Canyon, TX, Fall 2010
- The Search and Discovery of Near Earth Asteroids, Court Sullivan, Mike Hibbs, Poster presentation, Texas A&M System Undergraduate Research Symposium, Canyon, TX, Fall 2010
Education Related Presentations:
- Semi-Annual Texas Chapter of the American Association of Physics Teachers, “Closing the Gaps: Science, Engineering, and Astronomy at Tarleton State University”, Michael Hibbs, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Spring 2002
- Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, “Using Summer Camps to Motivate Rural Students in Science and Engineering”, Denise Martinez and Michael Hibbs, Boulder, Colorado, 2003
- TAMU Academy of Educator Faculty, “Bring the Universe and Research into the Classroom”, M.F. Hibbs, Houston, Texas, Fall 2004
- Eighth Annual Conference on School-University Partnerships, “Bring the Universe and Research into the Classroom”, Michael Hibbs, Tarleton State University and Teresa Musgrave, Tolar High School, San Antonio, Texas, Fall 2004
- Semi-Annual Texas Chapter of the American Association of Physics Teachers, “Bring the Universe and Research into the Classroom”, Michael Hibbs, Tarleton State University; Marty Wyatt, Weatherford High School; Teresa Musgrave, Tolar High School; Steve Rowley, Dallas Jesuit Predatory High School; Joe Ashcraft, Fort Worth Trimble Tech High School, Spring 2004
- Digistar Users Group, “Enlightening Lighting, Planetarium and Classroom Educational Experience” M.F. Hibbs, San Diego, California, Fall 2004
- Southwest Association of Planetariums and Rocky Mountain Planetarium Association joint meeting, “Enlightening Lighting, Planetarium and Classroom Educational Experience” M.F. Hibbs, San Diego, California, Fall 2004
- “Enlightening Lightning! Coupling Earth Systems Research to K-12 Education Using Planetarium Presentations,” Orville, R. E., D. House, M. Hibbs, and E. Mansell, “ bibl. American Meteorological Society Preprints, 14th Symposium on Education, San Diego, California, January 2005
- “Enlightening Lightning! Coupling Earth Systems Research to K-12 Education Using Planetarium Presentations,” Orville, R. E., D. House, M. Hibbs, and E. Mansell, bibl. American Meteorological Society Preprints, 14th Symposium on Education, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2006
Publications: (Engineering Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings)
- “Measurement of Microscopic Displacements in Graphite/Epoxy Composite Materials Using A SEM- Generated Surface Map”, Robert C. Burghardt, James M. Ehrman, Thomas C. Stephens, Michael F. Hibbs, and Walter L. Bradley, Scanning, March 1991.
- “New Techniques in Strain Field Mapping Around Crack Tip”, Walter L. Bradley and Michael F. Hibbs, Proceedings of Annual Society of Experimental Mechanics, Savannah, Georgia, 1987.
- “Interlaminar Fracture Toughness and Real-Time Fracture Mechanisms of Some Toughened Graphite/Epoxy Composites”, Michael F. Hibbs, M.K. Ming, Walter L. Bradley, Toughened Composites, ASTM STP 937, 1986.
- “Correlations Between Micromechanical Failure Processes and Delamination Toughness of Graphite/Epoxy Composites,” Michael F. Hibbs and Walter L. Bradley, Fractography of Modern Engineering Materials, ASTM STP 948, 1986.
- “The Meaning and Significance of Hackles in Composite Materials Failure Analysis”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Post Failure Analysis Techniques for Fiber Reinforced Composites, William Jordan, Michael Hibbs, Walter Bradley, Dayton, Ohio, July 1985.
Engineering Related Papers Presented:
- Joint Meeting sponsored by the Air Force and Navy Research Laboratories “Recent Progress on the Composite
Affordability Initiative”, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1988
- General Dynamics Corporate Composite Technology Exchange, “Real-Time Observations of Delaminations and Resulting Crack Tip Strain Fields”, Detroit, MI, October 1988.
- American Society for Testing and Materials (Symposium on the Fractography of Modern Engineering Materials), “Correlations Between Micromechanical Failure Processes and Delamination Toughness of Graphite/Epoxy Composites”, Michael F. Hibbs and Walter L. Bradley, Nashville, TN, November 1985.
- American Society for Testing and Materials (Symposium of Toughened Composites), “Delamination Fracture Studies of Some Toughened Graphite/Epoxy Composites, Including Real-Time Fracture Observation in the Scanning Electron Microscope”, Michael Hibbs, Ming Kwan Tse, Walter L. Bradley, Houston, TX, March 1985.
- Joint Meeting of the Texas and Louisiana Societies for Electron Microscopy, “Stereo-Imaging Technique for Mapping Crack Tip Strain Fields”, Port Arthur, TX, October 1985.
Funded Grants:
External Funded Grants
- DOE FIPSE Grant, Center for Astronomy Research and Education; Addendum, The Summer Institute for Science Teachers and Summer Camp for Young Scientist $80,000, awarded July 1, 2000
- DOE FIPSE Grant, Optical Observatory for Tarleton State University Astronomy and Research Center, $500,000, awarded August, 2002
- National Science Foundation Grant, Enlightening Lightning! Coupling Earth Systems Research to K-12 Education Using Planetarium Presentations, co-awarded to Tarleton State University Planetarium, Texas A&M Atmospheric Science Department and Texas A&M Visualization Laboratories. Tarleton’s portion $27,767, awarded October 2002
- Academy for Educator Development Fellowship, Bring the Universe and Research Into the Classroom $3,000, awarded September, 2002
- International Astronomical Coalition Research Grants for Observatory Maintenance and Student Research Wages
$1,000, FY 2010 $1,000, FY 2011 $1,200, FY 2012 $1,000, FY 2013
Total $4,200
Internal Funded Grants:
- Tarleton Telescope and Observatory Funding
University Faculty Improvement and Construction Committee, Design and Construction of the Observatory Infrastructure and On-campus Control Room $145,500, Facility building fund ($118,000), PUF ($8,000), and Presidential Funding ($10,000), all awards 2003-2004
Total $281,500
- Summer 2013, College of Science and Technology Dean’s funded research
Total $1,340
- As Faculty Mentor, Student Funding obtained to support undergraduate research University Undergraduate Assistantship (URA’s)
- Fall 2013 – 1 student, $1000
- Fall 2012 – 4 students, $1000 each student
- Summer 2011 – 2 students, $1000 each student
- Summer 2011 – 3 students, $2000 each student
Total $13,000
- As Faculty Mentor, First Year Research Experience
Summer 2014 – 1 student, $2000 and a room and board allowance
Total $2,000
- As Faculty Mentor, Awarded $1500 (ALE)
2013, Experience and Interact with the International Leaders in the Astronomy Research Community (Trip cancelled due to medical reason)
Total $1,500