Department Head of Chemistry, Geoscience, and Physics & Professor of Physics, Chair of the Texas Physics Consortium, Piper Professor, Regents Professor
Publications & Abstracts
Publications: Daniel K. Marble
“Using Small Accelerators to Teach Undergraduate Physics,” D.K. Marble, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 4-10, 1998, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, AIP Conference Proceedings (submitted for publication). (Refereed)
“Using a 400 kV Van de Graaff Accelerator to Teach Physics at West Point,” D.K. Marble, S.E. Bruch, and T. Lainis, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-10, 1996, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, AIP Conference Proceeding 392 Vol.2, pp 1127, 1997.
“Accelerator Based SIMS for Impurity Analysis,” J.M. Anthony, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, S.N. Renfrow, Y.D. Kim, S. Matteson, and F.D. McDaniel, Proceedings of the 40th National Meeting of the American Vacuum Society, Orlando, Florida, November 15-19, 1993.
“Improved Trace Impurity Characterization in the Electronics Materials Industry by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, J.M. Anthony, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, Y.D. Kim, S.N. Renfrow, and S. Matteson, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applicications, Shanghai, China, October 10-14, 1994.
“Impact-Parameter-Averaged Probability of 3ds – Vacancy Sharing in Heavy Systems,” D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, V. Zoran, Z. Szilagyi, I. Piticu, D. Fluerasu, A. Enulescu, D. Dumitriu, B.I. Bucur, and C. Ciortea, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Workshop on High Energy Atomic Collisions, Oberstdorf, Germany, January 1993, p 32.
“Model of the Contamination Effect in Ion-Induced Electron Emission,” A.M. Arrale, Z.Y. Zhao, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, and S. Matteson, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Orleans, France, August 31 – September 4, 1993.
“Impurity Detection In Electronic Materials By Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, J.M. Anthony, J.F. Kirchoff, D.K. Marble, Y.D. Kim, S.N. Renfro, E.C. Grannan, E.R. Reznik, G. Vizkelethy, and S. Matteson, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Orleans, France, August 31 – September 4, 1993.
“L-shell X-ray Production Cross Sections for 29Cu, 31Ga, 32Ge, 35Br, 39Y, 60Nd, 64Gd, 67Ho, 70Yb, 79Au, and 82Pb for 2-25 MeV Carbon Ions,” R. Mehta, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.K. Marble, G. Lapicki, M.C. Andrews, P.D. Miller, P.L. Pepmiller, H.F. Krause, T.M. Rosseel, and L.A. Rayburn, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, November 2-5, 1992, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B79, (1993), 179.
“Characterization of Electronic Materials Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, J.M. Anthony, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, J.F. Kirchhoff, G. Vizkelethy, D.K. Marble, Y.D. Kim, I. Hassan, and Z. Zhao, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques for Analytical and Industrial Applications, Mykonos, Greece, June 6-13, 1992, p. 179 (1993).
“Trace Element Analysis by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, I. Hassan, Z.Y. Zhao, and J.M. Anthony, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, Vienna, Austria, September 16-20, 1991, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 167, 423 (1993).
“Radionuclide Dating and Trace Element Analysis by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, I. Hassan, Z.Y. Zhao, and J.M. Anthony, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, Kona, Hawaii, April 21-27, 1991, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 160, (1992), 119.
“Materials Characterization Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” J.M. Anthony, R.L. Beavers, T.J. Bennet, S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, and J.L. Duggan, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, November 5-8, 1990, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B56/57, (1991), 873.
“Ion Beam Techniques for Materials Modification and Analysis,” F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, S. Matteson, and D.K. Marble, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 24-30, 1990, World Scientific Publishing Co., (1990), 307.
“X-Ray Production in Fluorine by Highly Charged Boron, Carbon, and Oxygen Ions,” F.D. McDaniel, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.L. Weathers, P.S. Elliott, R.M. Wheeler, R.P. Chaturvedi, and G. Lapicki, Proceedings of the Joint U.S.-Japan Seminar on Dynamical Excitations by Highly Charged Ions , Anchorage, Alaska, June 18-22,1990, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B56/B57, (1991),531.
“Application of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry to Electronic Materials,” J.M. Anthony, S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and D.J. Donahue, Proceedings of the First European Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Frankfurt, FRG, September 4-9, 1989, Ed. by K. Bethge, F. Rauch and P. Misaelindes, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B50, (1990), 262.
“Experimental Evidence for a Discrete Transition to Channeling for 1.0 MeV Protons in <100> Si,” Z.Y. Zhao, A.M. Arrale, S.I. Li, D.K. Marble, D.L. Weathers, S. Matteson, J.M. Anthony, B. Gnade, and F.D. McDaniel, Submitted for Publication in Physical Review A (1997).
“L-Shell X-Ray Production by 2-12 MeV Carbon Ions in Fifeteen SD.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 28 (1995), pp 1187-1200.
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections in 26Fe, 28Ni, 29Cu, 30Zn, 31Ga, and 32Ge by 0.5 MeV to 8.0 MeV He Ions,” by M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, Z.Zhao, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 27 (1994), pp 5295-5308.
“Fabrication Of Silicon-Based Optical Elements For An Ultra-clean AMS Negative Ion Source,” J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, J.M. Anthony, R.L. Beavers, and T.J. Bennett, Review of Scientific Instruments, 1993.
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections in 26Fe, 28Ni, 29Cu, 30Zn, 31Ga, and 32Ge by 0.5 to 5.0 MeV Protons,” M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, Phys. Rev. A, (1992).
“K-Shell X-Ray Production in 6C, 8O, 9F, 11Na, 12Mg, and 13Al by 0.5 to 0.8 MeV Helium Ions,” Y.C. Yu, M.R. McNeir, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, D.K. Marble, Z.Y. Zhao, and G. Lapicki, Phys. Rev. A, (1992).
“Hydrogen in Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposited ZnS Thin Films Determined by Nuclear Resonance Reaction Analysis,” P.B. Smith, B.E. Gnade, D.K. Marble, Journal of Thin Films, (1990).
“Hydrogen Detection at WMRD Using Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” D.K. Marble, J. D. Demaree, J.K. Hirvonen, R. Zimmerman, D. Ila, A. Samadicy, J.L. Price, N. Gardella, E. Swarz, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, Aberdeen, Maryland, November 4, 1998.
“Hydrogen Detection in Metals Using a Coincidence Detector Configuration to perform Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” D.K. Marble, L. Smith, J.D. Demaree, J.K. Hirvonen, R. Zimmerman, and M. Detone, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, West Point, New York, October 31, 1997.
“Light Element Impurity Detection in Electronic Materials Using Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” D.K. Marble and R.L. Pfeffer, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, West Point, New York, November 1, 1996.
“Hydrogen Detection in Semiconductors Using the 1H(15N,ga )12C Nuclear Reaction,” D.K. Marble and R.L. Pfeffer, Proceedings of the Third Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, West Point, New York, November 1-3, 1995.
“Impact-Parameter-Averaged Probability of 3ds – Vacancy Sharing In Heavy Systems,” D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, V. Zoran, Z. Szilagyi, I. Piticu, D. Fluerasu, A. Erulescu, D. Dumitriu, B.I. Bucur, C. Ciortea, Procedeedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, March 1993. (Refereed).
“Correlation Between Energy Loss and Ion-Induced Electron Emission of 1 MeV Channeled Protons in <100> Direction of Silicon Foils,” Z.Y. Zhao, A.M. Arrale, S.L. Li, F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.F. Kirchhoff, S. Matteson, J.M. Anthony, and B. Gnade, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Budapest, Hungary, July 15-18, 1993, Nuclear Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research, B (1993). (Refereed).
“A Semi-Empirical Scaling for K-Shell Fluorescence Yields in Light Ions,” V. Zoran, I. Piticu, D. Petrini, D.K. Marble, and F.D. McDaniel, Sixth International Conference on the Physics of highly Charged Ions, Manhattan, KS, September 27-October 2, 1992, Proceedings Series of the American Institute of Physics, NY (1993) p. 359. (Refereed)
“Trace Element Analysis of Steel Samples With Synchrotron Radiation,” R.M. Wheeler, R.P. Chaturvedi, J.L. Duggan, and D.K. Marble, and D. Braswell, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 2-5, 1992, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research, B79, (1993), 545. (Refereed).
“Direct Ionization and Electron Capture in K-Shell X-Ray Production in Fluorine by Highly Charged Boron, Carbon, and Oxygen Ions,” D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, Z.Y. Zhao, D.L. Weathers, P.S. Elliott, R.M. Wheeler, R.P. Chaturvedi, and G. Lapicki, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-8, 1990, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B56/57 (1991), 33. (Refereed).
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections in 20Ca, 26Fe, 28Ni, 29Cu, and 32Ge for 0.75 to 5 MeV H and Li Ions,” M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-8, 1990, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B56/57 (1991), 29. (Refereed).
“K-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections in 6C, 8O, 9F, 11Na, 12Mg, and 13Al for 0.75 to 5 MeV H and Li Ions,” Y.C. Yu, M.R. McNeir, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-8, 1990, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B56/57 (1991), 118. (Refereed).
“The University of North Texas Atomic Mass Spectrometry Facility for Detection of Impurities in Electronic Materials,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, P.S. Elliott, D.K. Wilson, and J.M. Anthony, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Paris, April 23-27, 1990, Ed. by F. Yiou and G.M. Raisbeck, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B52, 310, (1991). (Refereed).
“An Ultra-Clean Microprobe Ion Source for Atomic Mass Spectrometry,” S. Matteson, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Wilson, J.M. Anthony, and R.L. Beavers, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Paris, April 23-27, 1990, Ed. by F. Yiou and G.M. Raisbeck, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B52, 327, (1991). (Refereed).
“Atomic Mass Spectrometry of Materials,” J.M. Anthony, S. Matteson, J.L. Duggan, P.S. Elliott, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, and D.L. Weathers, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Paris, April 23-27, 1990, Ed. by F. Yiou, and G.M. Raisbeck, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B52, 493, (1991). (Refereed).
“Molecular-Interference-Free Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, L.S. Hodges, J.Y. Hajsaleh, A.M. Arrale, M.R. McNeir, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and J.M. Anthony, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 26-30, 1989, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B45, 575 (1990). (Refereed).
“Molecular Dissociation in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for Trace Impurity Characterization in Electronic Materials,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, L.S. Hodges, A.M. Arrale, J.Y. Hajsaleh, M.R. McNeir, J.L. Duggan, and J.M. Anthony, Proceedings of the High Energy and Heavy Ion Beams in Materials Analysis Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, June 14-16, 1989, Ed. J.R. Tesmer, C.J. Maggiore, M. Nastasi, J.C. Barbour, and J.W. Mayer, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1990, p. 269. (Refereed).
“M-Shell X-Ray Production in Gold, Lead, Bismuth, Thorium, and Uranium by 70-200 keV Protons,” J.D. Gressett, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, J.F. Culwell, and G. Lapicki, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, November 7-9, 1988, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B40/B41, 116, (1989). (Refereed).
“L-Shell X-Ray Production in Copper, Germanium, Rubidium, Strontium, and Yttrium by 100- 225 keV Protons,” D.K. Marble, J.D. Gressett, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, J.F. Culwell, and G. Lapicki, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, November 7-9, 1988, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B40/B41, 98, (1989). (Refereed).
Abstracts: Daniel K. Marble
“Hydrogen Detection at WMRD Using Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” D.K. Marble, J. D. Demaree, J.K. Hirvonen, R. Zimmerman, D. Ila, A. Samadicy, J.L. Price, N. Gardella, E. Swarz, Book of Abstracts for the Sixth Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, Aberdeen, Maryland, November 4, 1998.
“Using Small Accelerators to Teach Undergraduate Physics,” D.K. Marble, Book of Abstracts for the Fifteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 4-10, 1998, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan. (Refereed)
“Hydrogen Detection in Metals Using a Coincidence Detector Configuration to perform Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” D.K. Marble, L. Smith, J.D. Demaree, J.K. Hirvonen, R. Zimmerman, and M. Detone, Book of Abstracts for the Fifth Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, West Point, New York, October 31, 1997
“Using a 400 kV Van de Graaff Accelerator to Teach Physics at West Point,” D.K. Marble and S.E. Bruch, Book of Abstracts for the Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-10, 1996, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan. (Refereed)
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 150-450 keV Protons on Copper, Germanium, Rubidium, Strontium, and Yttrium,” D.K. Marble, P.G. Lakey, and C. Ralls, Book of Abstracts for the Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-10, 1996, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan. (Refereed)
“Fluorine K-Shell X-Ray Cross Section Measurements for 7Li, 10B, 12C, 14N, and Ions on Ultra-clean, Ultra-thin YF3 Solid target Foils,” D.K. Marble, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, R. Wheeler, and R.P. Chaturvedi, Book of Abstracts for the Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-10, 1996, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan. (Refereed)
“Light Element Impurity Detection in Electronic Materials Using Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” D.K. Marble and R.L. Pfeffer, Book of Abstracts for the Fourth Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, West Point, New York, November 1, 1996.
“Hydrogen Detection in Semiconductors Using the 1H(15N,ga )12C Nuclear Reaction,” D.K. Marble and R.L. Pfeffer, Book of Abstracts for the Third Annual ARL/USMA Technical Symposium, West Point, New York, November 1-3, 1995.
“L-Shell and M-Shell X-Ray Production Cross sections for Selected Elements for 0.1 to 2.5 MeV Protons,” F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, J.D. Gressett, D.K. Marble, J.F. Culwell, and G. Lapicki, Abstracts for International Conference on Spectroscopy and Collisions of Few Electron Ions, Bucharest, Romania, August 29-September 2, 1988 (Central Institute of Physics, Bucharest, 1988), p. 44. (Refereed)
“Applications of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry to Electronic Materials,” J.M. Anthony, S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and D.J. Donahue, First European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Frankfurt, FRG, September 5- 9, 1989. (Refereed)
“X-Ray Production in Fluorine by Highly Charged Boron, Carbon, and Oxygen Ions,” F.D. McDaniel, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.L. Weathers, P.S. Elliott, R.M. Wheeler, R.P. Chaturvedi, and G. Lapicki, Proceedings of the Joint U.S.-Japan Seminar on Dynamical Excitations by Highly Charged Ions, Anchorage, Alaska, June 18-22,1990. (Refereed)
“Ion Beam Techniques for Materials Modification and Analysis,” F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, S. Matteson, and D.K. Marble, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 24-30, 1990. (Refereed)
“Materials Characterization Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” J.M. Anthony, R.L. Beavers, T.J. Bennet, S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, and J.L. Duggan, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 1738 (1990), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-8, 1990, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan. (Refereed)
“Radionuclide Dating and Trace Element Analysis by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, I. Hassan, Z.Y. Zhao, and J.M. Anthony, Second International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, Kona, Hawaii, April 21-27, 1991. (Refereed)
“Trace Element Analysis by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, J.M. Anthony, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, I. hassan, Z.Y. Zhao, A.M. Arrale, and Y.D. Kim, Eighth International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, September 16-20, 1991. (Refereed)
“Characterization of Electronic Materials Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, J.M. Anthony, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, J.F. Kirchhoff, G. Vizkelethy, D.K. Marble, Y.D. Kim, I. Hassan, and Z.Y. Zhao, Third International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Mykonos, Greece, June 6-13, 1992. (Refereed)
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 29Cu, 31Ga, 32Ge, 35Br, 39Y, 60Nd,67Ho, 70Yb, 79Au, and 82Bi for 2-25 MeV Carbon Ions,” Twelth International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 2-5 1992. (Refereed)
“Applications of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry to material Science,” S. Matteson, J.M. Anthony, F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, and G. Vizkelethy, Abstracts for Twelfth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 2-5, 1992, p. 12. (Refereed)
“AMS Ion Source for Stable Elements,” J.M. Anthony, S. Matteson, F.D. Mcdaniel, J.F. Kirchhoff, G. Vizkelethy, D.K. Marble, and D.L. Weathers, Abstracts for Twelfth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 2-5, 1992, p. 88. (Refereed)
“Impurity Determination in Electronic Materials by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, J.M. Anthony, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, Y.D. Kim, S.N. Renfrow, E.C. Grannan, E.R. Reznik, G. Vizkelethy, and S. Matteson, Third European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Orleans, France, August 31-September 4, 1993. (Refereed)
“Improved Trace Impurity Characterization in the Electronics Materials Industry by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” F.D. McDaniel, J.M. Anthony, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, Y.D. Kim, S.N. Renfro, and S. Matteson, ‘93 Inter. Symp. on High-Tech Industries and Products (HIPS ‘93), Shanghai, China, November 9-12, 1993. (Refereed)
“X-Ray Energy and Intensity Ratio Shifts in MeV/amu Fe, Co, Ni, and Bi Collisions,” A. Berinde, C. Ciortes, D. Dumitrin, A. Euulescu, D. Fluerasu, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, I. Piticu, Z, Szilagyi, and V. Zoran, XIX Inter. Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Wistler British Columbia, Canada, July 1995
“Accounting for Outer-Shell Ionization in Measurements of the 3ds -Vacancy Production and Sharing,” I. Piticu, C.Ciortea, F.D. McDaniel, D. Dumitrin, A.Enulescu, D.K. Marble, Y. Sun, Z.Szilagyi, and V. Zoran, XIX Inter. Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Wistler British Columbia, Canada, July 1995.
“On the SCA Description of the 3ds Molecular Orbital Direct Ionization,” C. Ciortea, H. Brauning, M. Danrau, D. Dumitriu, A. Enulescu, D. Fluerasu, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, I. Piticu, H. Schmidt-Bocking, Z. Szilagyi, and V. Zoran, XIX Inter. Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Wistler British Columbia, Canada, July 1995.
“The Impact Parameter Dependence of the 3ds Vacancy Sharing Probability in 87 MeV Ni+Pb Collisions,” V. Zoran, H. Brauning, C. Ciortea, M. Damrau, A. DeMian, A. Enulescu, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, H. Schmidt-Bocking, and Z. Szilagyi, XIX Inter. Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Wistler British Columbia, Canada, July 1995.
“Accelerator Based SIMS for Impurity Analysis,” J.M. Anthony, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, S.N. Renfro, Y.D. Kim, S. Matteson, and F. McDaniel, 40th National Meeting of the Amer. Vac. Soc., Orlando, Fl., November 15-19, 1993.
“Model Of The Contamination Effect In Ion-Induced Electron Emission,” A.M. Arrale, Z.Y. Zhao, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.K. Marble, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, and S. Matteson, Contributed Abstract for the Third European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Orleans, France, August 31 – September 4, 1993.
“Impact-Parameter-Averaged Probability of 3dd -Vacancy Sharing in Heavy Systems,” D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, V. Zoran, Z. Szilagyi, I. Piticu, Daniela Fluerasu, A. Enulescu, Dana Dumitriu, B.I. Bucur, and C. Ciortea, XVIII Inter. Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, July 21-27, 1993, Aarhus, Denmark, Book of Abstracts, p. 536.
“Correlation Between Energy Loss and Ion-Induced Electron Emission of 1 MeV Channeled Protons in <100> Directions of Silicon Foils,” Z.Y. Zhao, A.M. Arrale, S.L. Li, F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.F. Kirchhoff, S.Matteson, J.M. Anthony, and B. Gnade, 11th Intern. Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Budapest, Hungary, July 15-18, 1993.
“Impact-Parameter-Averaged Probability of 3dd -Vacancy Sharing in Heavy Systems,” D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, V. Zoran, Z. Szilagyi, I. Piticu, Daniela Fluerasu, A. Enulescu, Dana Dumitriu, B.I. Bucur, and C. Ciortea, 14. Arbeitsbericht Energiereiche Atomare Stosse, Oberstdorf, Germany, January 1993 (14th Inter. Workshop on High Energy Collisions).
“Trace Element Analysis of Steel Samples with Synchrotron Radiation,” R.M. Wheeler, R.P. Chaturvedi, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, and D. Braswell, Twelth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 2-5, 1992.
“A Semi-Emperical Scaling for K-Shell Fluorescence Yields in Light Ions,” V. Zoran, I. Piticu, D. Petrini, D.K. Marble, and F.D. McDaniel, Sixth International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Manhattan, KS, September 27-October 2, 1992.
“K-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 6C, 8C, 9F, 11Na, 12Mg, and 13Al by Protons, Alphas, and Lithium Ions in the Energy range 0.75 to 5 MeV,” Y.C. Yu, M.R. McNeir, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, Sevententh International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Brisbane, Australia, July 10-16, 1991.
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 20Ca, 26Fe, 28Ni, 29Cu, and 32Ge by Protons, Alphas, and Lithium Ions in the Energy Range 0.75 to 5 MeV,” M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, Seventeenth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Australia, July 10-16, 1991.
“Direct Ionization and Electron Capture in K-Shell X-Ray Production in Fluorine by Highly Charged Boron, Carbon, and Oxygen Ions,” D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, Z.Y. Zhao, D.L. Weathers, P.S. Elliott, R.M. Wheeler, R.P. Chaturvedi, and G. Lapicki, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 1714 (1990), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Accelerator Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 5-8, 1990, Ed. by J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan.
“The University of North Texas Atomic Mass Spectrometry Facility for Detection of Impurities in Electronic Materials,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, P.S. Elliott, D.K. Wilson, and J.M. Anthony, Ninith Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Proceesing, and Characterization, Richardson, TX, June 4-5, 1990.
“Accelerator Mass Spectrometry of Semiconductor Materials,” S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, A.M. Arrale, M.R. McNeir, L.S. Hodges, J.L. Duggan, and F.D. McDaniel, Ninth Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Proceesing, and Characterization, Richardson, TX, June 4-5, 1990.
“Atomic Mass Spectrometry of Materials,” J.M. Anthony, S. Matteson, J.L. Duggan, P.S. Elliott, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Paris, France, April 23-27, 1990.
“An Ultra-Clean Microprobe Ion Source for Atomic Mass Spectrometry,” S. Matteson, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, and D.L. Weathers, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy, Paris, April 23-27, 1990.
“The University of North Texas Atomic Mass Spectrometry Facility for Detection of Impurities in Electronic Materials,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, P.S. Elliott, D.K. Wilson, and J.M. Anthony, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry , Paris, April 23-27, 1990.
“Molecular-Interference-Free Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, A.M. Arrale, L.S. Hodges, J.L. Duggan, and F.D. McDaniel, Ninth International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 26-30, 1989.
“Molecular Dissociation in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for Trace Impurity Characterization in Electronic Materials,” F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, D.K. Marble, L.S. Hodges, A.M. Arrale, J. Hajsaleh, M.R. McNeir, J.L. Duggan, and J.M. Anthony, Workshop on High Energy and Heavy Ion Beams in Material Analysis, Albuquerue, NM, June 14-16, 1989.
“M-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 70 to 200 keV Incident Protons on Selected Targets from Z=79 to Z=92,” J.D. Gressett, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, J.F. Culwell, and G. Lapicki, Tenth Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 7-9, 1988, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 1775 (1988).
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross sections for 100 to 225 keV Incident Protons on Selected Targets from Z=29 to Z=39,” D.K. Marble, J.D. Gressett, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, J.F. Culwell, and G. Lapicki, Tenth Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 7-9, 1988, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 1775 (1988).
“Hydrogen Depth Profiling Using Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA),” D.K. Marble, J.F. Kirchhoff, G. Vizkelethy, C. Trail, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, S.N. Renfro, Z.Y. Zhao, H.L. Sun, S. Matteson, B. Gnade, J. Keenan, and J.M. Anthony, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas Pan American University, Edinburg, TX, March 12-13, 1993, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1993).
“Computer Control of an Ultra Clean Ion Source for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS),” D.K. Marble, G. Vizkelethy, J.D. Gressett, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, S.N. Renfro, Z.Y. Zhao, H.L. Sun, S. Matteson, B. Gnade, J. Keenan, and J.M. Anthony, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas Pan American University, Edinburg, TX, March 12-13, 1993, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1993).
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections of 29Cu, 31Ga, 32Ge, 35Br, 39Y, 42Mo, 47Ag, 50Sn, 57La, 60Nd, 64Gd, 67Ho, 70Yb, 79Au, and 82Pb for 2-12 MeV Carbon Ions,” H.L. Sun, D.K. Marble, J.F. Kirchhoff, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, R. Mehta, and G. Lapicki, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas Pan American University, Edinburg, TX, March 12-13, 1993, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1993).
“Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Studies of Highly-Charged Molecular Ions,” Y.D. Kim, S. Matteson, J.L. Duggan, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, P. Marshall, J.M. Anthony, and M.A. Douglas, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas Pan American University, Edinburg, TX, March 12-13, 1993, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1993).
“Relationship Between Energy Loss and Ion Induced Electron Emission of Channeled Protons in Crystalline Silicon Foil,” Z.Y. Zhao, A.M. Arrale, S.L. Li, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, S. Matteson, J.M. Anthony, B. Gnade, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas Pan American University, Edinburg, TX, March 12-13, 1993, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1993).
“Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Measurements for X-Rays below 1 keV,” G. Johnson, J.L. Duggan, H.L. Sun, and D.K. Marble, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, October 22-23, 1993.
“Time of Flight Experiments for the Advanced Atomic-Nuclear Undergraduate Physics Laboratory,” D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, and J.R. Sybert, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, October 22-23, 1993.
“Ion Induced Electron Emission of 1 MeV Channeled Protons in Crystalline Silicon Foil,” Z.Y. Zhao, A.M. Arrale, S.L. Li, D.K. Marble, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.L. Weathers, S. Matteson, F.D. McDaniel, and J.M. Anthony, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Teaxs A&M University, College Station, Texas, October 22-23, 1993.
“A Simple Mass Spectrometry Lab for Undergraduates Using a 2.5 MeV Accelerator,” D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, and J.R. Sybert, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, October 22-23, 1993.
“Thin Film Thickness Determination Using Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry: An Advanced Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Experiment,” D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, and J.R. Sybert, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, October 22-23, 1993.
“Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Studies of Dissociation Processes of Molecular Ions,” Y.D. Kim, F.D. McDaniel, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, S. Matteson, and J.M. Anthony, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Rice University, Houston, TX, November 7-8, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1992).
“Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Using a 9SDH Tandem Accelerator Under Computer Control,” D.K. Marble, J.F. Kirchhoff, G. Viskelethy, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, A.M. Arrale, Y.D. Kim, S.N. Renfrow, Z. Zhao, S. Matteson, B. Gnade, J. Keenan, and J.M. Anthony, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Rice University, Houston, TX, November 7-8, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1992).
“Multi-purpose Beam Line for Energy Loss of Channeling Experiments,” Z. Zhao, D.K. Marble, J.F. Kirchhoff, S.L. Li, W.G. Kim, A.M. Arrale, and F.D. McDaniel, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Rice University, Houston, TX, November 7-8, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1992).
“Accounting for Multiple Ionization in the Analysis of Heavy Ion-Induced X-Rays of Light Elements Measured with Si(Li) Detectors,” D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, V. Zoran, and I.C. Legrand, Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting of the American Physical Society, Chicago, IL, May 20-22, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37, 1116 (1992).
“Energy Loss of Channeled He Ions in Crystalline Silicon Foil,” Z.Y. Zhao, G. Viskelethy, D.K. Marble, A.M. Arrale, F.D. McDaniel, S. Matteson, J.M. Anthony, and B. Gnade, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, March 6-7, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1992).
“Ion-Induced Electron Emission from Thin Carbon Foils,” A.M. Arrale, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, Z.Y. Zhao, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, and S. Matteson, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, March 6-7, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1992).
“Computer Automation of a 9-SDH Tandem Accelerator for Material Analysis and Atomic Physics,” D.K. Marble, G. Viskelethy, S.E. Matteson, J.F. Kirchhoff, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, Y.D. Kim, J.M. Anthony, J. Keenan, and B. Gnade, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, March 6-7, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1992).
“Pulse Height Defect Studies in Heavy Ion Spectroscopy,” R. Gasior, J.L. Duggan, S.E. Matteson, D.K. Marble, and F.D. McDaniel, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1991).
“Molecular Dissociation in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for Trace Impurity Characterization in Electronic Materials,” I. Hassan, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, S.E. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, M.R. McNeir, D.K. Marble, J.M. Anthony, and M.A. Douglas, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1991).
“Sputter Deposition of Thin Molybedenum and Copper Foils by an Argon Plasma Discharge,” R.B. Escue, S.E. Matteson, J.L. Duggan, M.R. McNeir, A. Azordegan, A. Bigelow, H.L. Sun, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, and D.K. Marble, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1991).
“A Study of L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections and a Test of the ECPSSR Theory for Incident 1H, 4He, and 7Li Ions in the Energy Range 0.5 to 5.0 MeV for Targets With X-Ray Energies From 341 to 1188 eV,” M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, Z. Zhao, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1991).
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 29Cu, 31Ga, 32Ge, 35Br, and 39Y by Incident Carbon Ions,” R. Mehta, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1991).
“Electron Bremsstrahlung Interferances in Heavy Ion X-Ray Cross Section Measurements,” D.K. Marble, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, Z.H. Zhao, D.L. Weathers, F.D. McDaniel, S.E. Matteson, J.L. Duggan, R.B. Escue, G. Lapicki, R.M. Wheeler, R.P. Chaturvedi, and V. Zoran, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1991).
“Design Considerations for Alignment of Off Axis Post Accelerator Beams From Tandem Accelerators Using an Octupole Doublet,” L.S. Hodges, D.K. Marble, and S.E. Matteson, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1991).
“A Test of the ECPSSR Theory Through K-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for Elements with X-Ray Energies from 282 to 1485 eV by Incident 1H, 4He, 7Li Ions in the Energy Range 0.5 to 5.0 MeV,” Y.C. Yu, M.R. McNeir, D.L. Weathers, D.K. Marble, Z.Y. Zhao, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, and G. Lapicki, 1991 Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denton, TX, November 1-2, 1991, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37, 1170, (1992).
“Efficiency Determination for a Windowless Ge X-Ray Detector for Photon Energies Below 5 keV,” D.L. Weathers, M.R. McNeir, J.L. Duggan, Y.C. Yu, D.K. Marble, and F.D. McDaniel, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, College of the Mainland, Texas City, TX, Nov. 9-10, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1990).
“Direct Ionization and Electron Capture in K-Shell X-Ray Production in Fluorine by Highly- Charged Lithium and Boron Ions,” D.K. Marble, M.R. McNeir, Y.C. Yu, D.L. Weathers, Z.Y. Zhao, D.K. Wilson, F.D. McDaniel, J.L. Duggan, and G. Lapicki, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, College of the Mainland, Texas City, TX, Nov. 9-10, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., (1990).
“Computer Automation of 30 and 90 Degree Analyzing Magnets on Tandem Accelerators,” D.K. Marble, S. Matteson, D.L. Maxson, H.J. Mackey, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, L.S. Hodges, M.R. McNeir, G.L. Albert, B. Gasior, J.D. Gressett, and J.M. Anthony, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, University of Houston, Houston, TX, March 2-4, 1989, Bu ll. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 1849, (1989).
“Computer Automation of the NEC 9SDH Tandem Accelerator for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,” D.K. Marble, S. Matteson, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, M.R. McNeir, D.K. Wilson, L.S. Hodges, and J.M. Anthony, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, March 2-3, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 1335, ( 1990).
“Hydrogen Depth Profiles of ZnS Films Using Nuclear Reaction Analysis,” B.E. Gnade, J.A. Keenan, D.L. Weathers, J.L. Duggan, D.K. Marble, and S.E. Matteson, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, March 2-3, 1990, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 1335 (1990).
“M-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 50 to 200 keV Protons Incident on 79Au, 82Pb, and 83Bi,” J.D. Gressett, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, J. Culwell, and G. Lapicki, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas A&I University, Kingsville, Tx, Nove. 6-7, 1987, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 1344, (1988).
“L-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for 50 to 2500 keV Incident Protons for Selected Target Elements from Z=28 to Z=46,” D.K. Marble, J.D. Gressett, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel, J. Culwell, and G. Lapicki, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas A&I University, Kingsville, TX, Nov. 6-7, 1987, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 1344, (1988).
“Uniformity of Thin Gold Films Using TEM and RBS,” J.K. Hoodenpyle, H. Kassenbig, J.D. Gressett, D.K. Marble, F.D. McDaniel, and R.F. Pinizzotto, Joint APS, AAPT, SPS Meeting, Texas A&I University, Kingsville, TX, Nov. 6-7, 1987, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 1341, (1988).