Co-Authored and Edited Books
- Kenney, Dennis J., Dina Rose, Tara O’Connor Shelley, Cristine Maglieri, Melissa Reuland, and Deborah Lamm Weisel, 1999, A Conflict of Rights: Public Safety and Abortion Clinic Conflict and Violence, Washington D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum (ISBN#:1-878734-62-8), pp. 1-368.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor and Anne C. Grant (editors), 1998, Problem Oriented Policing: Crime-Specific Problems, Critical Issues and Making POP Work, Washington D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum (ISBN#:1-878734-60-1), pp. 1-428.
Refereed Journal Articles:
(*denotes graduate student and ^denotes junior colleague at time of submission)
- ^Opsal, Tara, Austin Luzbetak*, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2021), Living at Extractive Sites: Invisible Harm and Green Victimization, Rural Sociology, 86(2), 229-259.
- ^Malin, Stephanie, Tara Opsal^, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Peter Hall, (2019), The Right to Resist or a Case of Injustice?: Meta-Power in the Oil and Gas Fields, Social Forces, 97(4), pp. 1811-1838.
- *Mayer, Adam and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2018), The Dual Importance of Political Identity in Environmental Governance: The Case of Fracking Policy in Colorado. Society and Natural Resources, 31(11), pp. 1230-1247.
- *White, Clair, Michael Hogan, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and N. Prabha Unnithan, (2018), The Influence of Procedural Justice on Citizen Satisfaction with State Law Enforcement. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 41(6), pp. 687-703.
- Morabito, Melissa and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2018), Constrained Agency and Kairotic Moments: The Mechanisms by which Female Police Officers Navigate, Overcome and Change Structural and Social Impediments to Advance in Policing, Feminist Criminology, 13(3), pp. 287–308.
- Cross, Jeni, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Adam Mayer*, (2017), Putting the Green into Corrections: Improving Energy Conservation, Building Function, Safety and Occupant Well-Being in an American Correctional Facility, Energy Research and Social Science, 32, pp. 149-163.
- *Mayer, Adam, Tara O’Connor Shelley, Ted Chiricos, and Marc Gertz, (2017), Environmental Risk Exposure, Risk Perception, Political Ideology and Support for Climate Policy. Sociological Focus, 50(4), pp. 309-328.
- Stretesky, Paul B., Kathryn Cope^, Tara O’Connor Shelley, Michael J. Hogan, and N. Prabha Unnithan, (2016), The Police Have Given Up: An Empirical Examination of Covictims’ Beliefs about Cold Case Homicide Investigations, Violence and Victims, 31(5), pp. 135-154.
- *Greif, Matt, Paul Stretesky, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Mark Pogrebin, (2015), Corporate Environmental Crime and Environmental Justice, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 28(4), pp. 327-346.
- Morabito, Melissa and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2015), Representative Bureaucracy: Understanding the Correlates of the Lagging Progress of Diversity in Policing, Race and Justice, 5, pp. 330-355.
- Patten, Ryan, Matthew S. Crow, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2014), What’s in a Name? The Occupational Identity of Conservation and Natural Resource Oriented Law Enforcement Agencies, American Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, pp. 750-764.
- ^Opsal, Tara and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2014), Energy Crime, Harm and Problematic State Response in Colorado: A Case of the Fox Guarding the Henhouse? Critical Criminology, 22, pp. 561-577.
- *Long, Michael A., Jeni E. Cross, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Sanja Kutnjak Ivković, (2013), The Normative Order of Reporting Police Misconduct: Examining the Roles of Offense Seriousness, Legitimacy, and Fairness, Social Psychology Quarterly, 76, pp. 242-267.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Michal J. Hogan, N. Prabha Unnithan, and Paul B. Stretesky, (2013), Public Opinion and Satisfaction with State Law Enforcement, Policing: International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 36, pp. 526-542.
- Crow, Matthew, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Paul Stretesky, (2013), Camouflage Collar Crime: An Examination of Wildlife Crime and Characteristics of Poachers in Florida, Deviant Behavior, 34, pp. 635-652.
- Reprinted In: Environmental Crime and its Victims: Perspectives within Green Criminology, (2014) (Toine Spapens, Rob White, and Marieke Kluin, editors), Burlington, VT: Ashgate, pp.-185-204.
- Kohm, Steven A., Courtney Waid-Lindberg, Michael Weinrath, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Rhonda Dobbs, (2012), The Impact of Media on Fear of Crime Among University Students: A Cross-National Comparison, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 54, pp. 67-100.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Ted Chiricos, and Marc Gertz, (2011), What about the Environment? Assessing the Perceived Seriousness of Environmental Crime, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 35, pp. 305-323.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Melissa S. Morabito, and Jennifer Tobin-Gurley*, (2011), Gendered Institutions and Gender Roles: The Current State of Women in Policing, Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 24, pp. 351-367.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Courtney A. Waid, and Rhonda R. Dobbs, (2011), The Influence of Criminal Justice Major on Punitive Attitudes, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 22, pp. 526-545.
- Waid-Lindberg, Courtney A., Rhonda R. Dobbs, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2011), Blame the Media? The Influence of Primary News Source, Frequency of Usage, and Perceived Media Credibility on Punitive Attitudes, Western Criminology Review, 12, pp. 41-59.
- Stretesky, Paul B., Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Matthew S. Crow, (2010), Do Conservation Organizations Influence the Production of Natural Resource Violations? Organization and Environment, 23,pp. 398-416.
- Ivković, Sanja Kutnjak and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2010), The Code of Silence and Disciplinary Fairness: A Comparison of Czech Police Supervisor and Line Officer Views, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 33, pp. 548-574.
- Stretesky, Paul B., Tara O’Connor Shelley, Michael J. Hogan, and N. Prabha Unnithan, (2010),Sense-Making and Secondary Victimization Among Unsolved Homicide Co-victims, Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, pp. 880-888.
- Reprinted In: Voices from Criminal Justice: Thinking and Reflecting on the System (Heith Copes & Mark Pogrebin, editors), New York, NY: Taylor and Francis, pp. 112-128.
- Dobbs, Rhonda, Courtney A. Waid, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2009), Explaining Fear of Crime as Fear of Rape Among College Females: An Examination of Multiple Campuses in the United States, International Journal of Social Inquiry, 2, pp. 105-122.
- Reprinted In: Women and Justice: It’s a Crime, Fifth Edition(Rosyln Muraskin, editor), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, pp. 246-262.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor and Matthew S. Crow, (2009), The Nature and Extent of Conservation Policing: Law Enforcement Generalists or Specialists?, American Journal of Criminal Justice, 34,pp. 9-27.
- Zahran, Sammy, Tara O’Connor Shelley, Lori Peek, and Samuel D. Brody, (2009), Natural Disasters and Social Order: Modeling Crime Outcomes in Florida, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 27, pp. 26-52.
- Ivković, Sanja Kutnjak and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2008), The Police Code of Silence and Different Paths Toward Democratic Policing, Policing and Society, 18, pp. 445-473.
- Ivković, Sanja Kutnjak and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2008), The Contours of Police Integrity in Eastern Europe: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Czech Republic, International Criminal Justice Review, 18, pp. 59-82.
- Ivković, Sanja Kutnjak and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2007), Police Integrity and the Czech Police Officers, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 31,pp. 21-49.
- Ivković, Sanja Kutjnak and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2005), The Bosnian Police and Police Integrity: A Continuing Story, European Journal of Criminology, 2, pp. 428-464.
- Crow, Matthew S., Tara O’Connor Shelley, Laura E. Bedard, and Marc Gertz, (2004), Czech Police Officers: An Exploratory Study of Police Attitudes in an Emerging Democracy, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 27, pp. 592-614.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor and Matthew S. Crow, (2001), Balancing Power: Police Labor and Management Relations, Polizei and Wissenschaft, 4, pp. 25-34.
Referred Chapters in Books
(*denotes graduate student and ^denotes junior colleague at time of submission)
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor and Anne E. Egelston^, (2023), Non-Criminal Enforcement and Environmental Inequality in the US, (2023). In The Handbook of Inequality and Environment, (Mike Long, Mike Lynch, and Paul Stretesky, editors), Edward Elgar Publishing.
- *Alexander, Kellie, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Tara Opsal, (2020), Fracking the Rockies: The Production of Harm. In Handbook of Green Criminology, Vol. 2, (Avi Brisman and Nigel South, editors), Routledge.
- ^Opsal, Tara and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2017), Fractured Illness: Citizen Perceptions of the Consequences of Energy Development on their Physical Health and Psychological Wellbeing. In Introducción a la Criminología Verde: Conceptos para la Comprensión de los Conflictos Socioambientales (David Rodríguez Goyes, Hanneke Mol, Nigel South, Avi Brisman, editors), Bogotá, Colombia: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Antonio Nariño.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor and Tara Opsal^, (2017), Environmental Victimization: A Case Study of Citizen’s Experiences with Oil and Gas Development in Colorado, USA. In Greening Criminology in the 21st Century: Greening Criminology in the 21st Century: Contemporary Debates and Future Directions in the Study of Environmental Harm (Green Criminology) (Matthew Hall, Jenney Maher, Angus Nurse, Gary Potter Nigel South and Tanya Wyatt, editors), Routledge.
- Kohm, Steven A., Courtney A. Waid-Lindberg^, Rhonda R. Dobbs^, Michael Weirnrath, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, (2016), Media, Fear of Crime, and Punitivity Among University Students in Canada and the United States: A Cross National Comparison. In Psychology of Fear, Crime, and the Media: International Perspectives (Derek Chadee, editor), Taylor and Francis.
Non-Refereed Journal Articles/Chapters in Books
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, and Michael J. Hogan, 2012, Public Perceptions of Corporate Environmental Crime: Assessing the Impact of Economic Insecurity on Willingness to Impose Punishment for Corporate Environmental Crime, In: The Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology (Nigel South and Avi L. Brisman, editors), Routledge, pp. 282-299.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, 2007, Hazardous Waste Disposal, In: Encyclopedia of White-Collar Crime (Jurg Gerber and Eric L. Jensen, editors), Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 120-125.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor and Sharon A. Melzer, 2007, Hooker Chemical Corporation, In: Encyclopedia of White-Collar Crime (Jurg Gerber and Eric L. Jensen, editors), Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 131-133.
- Weisel, Deborah L., and Tara Shelley, 2005, Assessing the Impact of Specialized Gang Units: Evidence from Indianapolis and San Diego, In: Policing and Program Evaluation (Kent R. Kerley, editor), Pearson Prentice Hall, pp. 59-81.
- Bullington, Bruce, Lorenz Bollinger, and Tara Shelley, 2004, Trends in European Drug Policies: A New Beginning or More of the Same?, Journal of Drug Issues, 34, pp. 481-490.
- Walker, Sam and Tara O’Connor Shelley, 1999, Affirmative Action, Diversity and the Police, In: Police and Policing: Contemporary Issues, second edition, (Dennis J. Kenney and Robert P. McNamara, editors), Praeger, pp. 187-199.
Other Publications
Chapter Subsection:
Shelley, Tara O’Connor, 2010, Czech Republic Policing, Use of Force and Reforms, In: Policing and Society: A Global Approach (by Michael J. Palmiotto and N. Prabha Unnithan), Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning, pp. 262-263.
Book Review:
Shelley, Tara O’Connor, 2007, Violent Environments (Nancy Lee Peluso and Michael Watts, editors), Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, pp. 1-453. Book review for the International Criminal Justice Review, 17, p. 134.
Shelley, Tara O’Connor, (2016), Who are they and What are they Thinking? Offenders and Pharmacy Robbery & Burglary, Pharmacists Mutual Newsletter, May Issue.
Stretesky, Paul B., Prabha Unnithan, Michael J. Hogan, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, 2014, The Forgotten Victims: How the Criminal Justice System Produces Secondary Victimization Among Cold Case Co-victims and What to Do About It, The Forum: The Quarterly Publication of the Association For Death Education and Counseling, 40(2), pp. 7-9.
Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Jennifer Palmer, Marija Bingulac, and Melissa Schaeffer Morabito, 2012. Women Police Officers: An Arresting Reality, Officer: The Colorado Law Enforcement Officers’ Association Magazine, Spring 2012 issue, pp. 8-11.
Evaluation and Technical Reports
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Semukhina, Olga, and Christopher Copeland^, 2022, Illegal Marijuana and Drug Related Violent Crime in North Texas, Final Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-310.
- Franklin, Cortney, Tara O’Connor Shelley,Katherine Brown, 2022, IPV Interim Process Evaluation Report: Process Evaluation Survey Analyses. Report for stakeholders and the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-64.
- Brown, Katherine, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Cortney Franklin, 2022, Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation: Site Visit Report #3. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-4.
- Franklin, Cortney, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Katherine Brown, 2022, Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation: Site Visit Report #2. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-8.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Katherine Brown, and Cortney Franklin, 2021, Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation: Site Visit Report #1. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-13.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, 2021, An Examination of Chronic Stress in Law Enforcement: Grand Prairie Police Department Results. Report for the Grand Prairie Police Department, pp. 1-192.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Semukhina, Olga, and Christopher Copeland^, 2021,Quarterly Report 6: Preliminary Analysis of Inmate Surveys, Spatial Analysis of TCSO Incident Data, Multi-level Analysis of USPIS Interdiction Data, and Dark Web Market Trends. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
- Semukhina, Olga, Christopher Copeland^, Tara O’Connor Shelley, Courtney Walker*, and Mike Thomas*, 2021,Quarterly Report 5: Preliminary Analysis of Oregon and Washington Marijuana Licenses, USPIS Interdicted Parcel Data, and Dark Web Market Trends. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
- Semukhina, Olga, Christopher Copeland^, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Courtney Walker*, 2021,Quarterly Report 4: Preliminary Analysis of Colorado Marijuana Licenses, USPIS Interdicted Parcel Data, and Dark Web Market Trends. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
- Semukhina, Olga, Christopher Copeland^, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Courtney Walker*, 2020, Quarterly Report 3: Preliminary Analysis of California Marijuana Licenses, USPIS Interdicted Parcel Data, and Dark Web Market Trends. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
- Semukhina, Olga, Christopher Copeland^, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Richard Savage*, 2020, Quarterly Report 2: Cluster Analysis of CNET Cases, Descriptive Analysis of USPIS Interdicted Parcel Data, and Dark Web Market Trends. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
- Semukhina, Olga, Christopher Copeland^, Richard Savage*, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Monica Murphy*, 2020,Quarterly Report 1: Descriptive Analysis of CNET Case Files and Overview of Dark Web Narcotics Markets and TOR Operation. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Katherine Brown^, and Stephanie Bontrager, 2020, Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation Study: Phase I Evaluability Assessment Report and Addendum. Report for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-87.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Katherine Brown^, and Rhonda Dobbs, 2018, Project Change: Safe Haven of Tarrant County and Everman Independent School District’s Student Assistance Program on Preventing Relationship Violence. Report for Safe Haven of Tarrant County, pp. 1-50.
- Jennifer J. Harman, Tara O’Connor Shelley, Pearl Outland, and Matt Florian, 2018, Prevalence of Homelessness in Colorado Jails. Report for the Division of Criminal Justice, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-78.
- Jennifer Jill Harman, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Matt Florian, 2018, Behavioral Shaping Model and Reinforcement Tool (BSMART): Final Outcome Evaluation Report. Report for the Office of Community Corrections, Division of Criminal Justice, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-161.
- Jennifer Jill Harman, Tara O’Connor Shelley, Matt Florian and Michael J. Hogan, 2017, Behavioral Shaping Model and Reinforcement Tool (BSMART): 1-year Evaluation: Pilot Cohort. Report for the Office of Community Corrections, Division of Criminal Justice, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-102.
- Jennifer Jill Harman, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Michael J. Hogan, 2016, Behavioral Shaping Model and Reinforcement Tool (BSMART): Process Evaluation of the Pilot Cohort. Report for the Office of Community Corrections, Division of Criminal Justice, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-116.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Michael Long, and D.J. Rogers, 2016, Abuse Deterrents and Pharmacy Robbery and Burglary: The Case of OxyContin. Report for RxPATROL and Purdue Pharma L.P., pp. 1-68.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor. 2014, Pharmacy Robbery and Burglary: The Offender Perspective. Report for RxPATROL and Purdue Pharma L.P., pp. 1-51.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Mike Hogan, D.J. Rogers, and Alex Naday Walker, 2014, The Nature and Extent of Robbery and Burglary of Pharmacies for Controlled Prescription Drugs. Report for RxPATROL and Purdue Pharma L.P., pp.1-130.
- Opsal, Tara and Tara O’Connor Shelley, 2014, Problems Related to the Oil and Gas Industry During a Flood Disaster: The Nature and Extent of Citizen Complaints and Satisfaction with Government Responses. Report for the Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado.
- Hogan, Michael J, D.J. Rogers, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, 2014, Baseline Data Report for the City of Fort Lupton’s Community Court and Restorative Justice Services. Report for the City of Fort Lupton’s Restorative Justice Services and the Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance, Colorado Department of Public Safety, 1-29.
- Mayer, Adam, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Mike Hogan, 2014, Public Opinion Study for the City of Fort Lupton’s Community Court and Restorative Justice Services. Report for the City of Fort Lupton’s Restorative Justice Services and the Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-51.
- Mayer, Adam, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Mike Hogan, 2014, Fort Lupton High School Student Views of the City of Fort Lupton’s Community Court and Restorative Justice Services. Report for the City of Fort Lupton’s Restorative Justice Services and the Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-19.
- Mayer, Adam, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Mike Hogan, 2014, Police Officer Views and the City of Fort Lupton’s Community Court and Restorative Justice Services. Report for the City of Fort Lupton’s Restorative Justice Services and the Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-20.
- Hogan, Michael J., Tara O’Connor Shelley, and N. Prabha Unnithan, 2013, 2012 Colorado State Patrol Public Opinion Study, Colorado State Patrol, pp. 1-70.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, Michael J. Hogan, D.J. Rogers, Tyler Wilson, and N. Prabha Unnithan, 2012, Pre-evaluation and Baseline Data Report for the Town of Milliken’s Community Court. Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance, Colorado Department of Public Safety, pp. 1-53.
- Wilson, Tyler M., Tara O’Connor Shelley, N. Prabha Unnithan, and Michael J. Hogan, 2012, RESTORE: A Restorative Justice Program for Merchants, Community, and Young Shoplifters: Participant Survey Results: 2008-2011. Restorative Justice Services of Fort Collins, pp. 1-85.
- Wilson, Tyler M., Tara O’Connor Shelley, N. Prabha Unnithan, and Michal J. Hogan, 2011, Restorative Justice Conferencing Program (RJCP) Participant Survey Results: 2008-2011, Restorative Justice Services of Fort Collins, pp. 1-55.
- Hogan, Michael J., Tara O’Connor Shelley, N. Prabha Unnithan, Alexandra Naday Walker, and Tyler Wilson, 2011, Evaluation of the Colorado State Patrol’s Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) Campaign, Colorado State Patrol, pp. 1-73.
- Naday, Alexandra, N. Prabha Unnithan, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Michael J. Hogan, 2010, Analysis of the Cold Case Survey for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation 2009, Colorado Bureau of Investigation, pp. 1-28.
- Pogrebin, Mark R., Michael J. Hogan, N. Prabha Unnithan, Alexandra Naday, and Tara O’Connor Shelley, 2010, Evaluation of the Pre-Release and Community Re-Entry Programs for the Division of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and YOS, Colorado Department of Corrections, pp. 1-18.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, N. Prabha Unnithan, Michael J. Hogan, Paul Stretesky, and Alexandra Naday, 2009, 2009 Colorado State Patrol Public Opinion Study, Colorado State Patrol, pp. 1-70.
- Stretesky, Paul B., N. Prabha Unnithan, Tara O’Connor Shelley, and Michael J. Hogan, 2009, Forgotten Victims: What Cold Case Families Want, Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons (FOHVAMP), pp. 1-35.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, 2008, Case Study Report of the Southern Ute TüüÇai WellnessCourt, submitted to Glacier Consulting for the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-22.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, 2008, Case Study Report of Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Treatment Court, submitted to Glacier Consulting for the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-15.
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor, 2007, Case Study Report of the Wind River Shoshone and Arapaho Tribal Substance Abuse Court (TSAC), submitted to Glacier Consulting for the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 1-24.
- Shelley, Tara O., and Hilary Carter, 2006, Project Safe Neighborhoods: A Semi-Annual Report, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, report prepared for the Project Safe Neighborhoods Initiative, funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice (Grant 2003-GP-CX-0115), pp. 1-28.
- Shelley, Tara O., 2005, Project Safe Neighborhoods: A Semi-Annual Report, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, report prepared for the Project Safe Neighborhoods Initiative, funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice (Grant 2003-GP-CX-0115).
- Weisel, Deborah L. and Tara O’Connor Shelley, 2004, Specialized Gang Units: Form and Function in Community Policing, Police Executive Research Forum, report prepared for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice (Grant 1998-IJ-CX-0083).
- Shelley, Tara O’Connor and Dennis J. Kenney, 1999, Evaluation of the Texas Regional Community Policing Institute at Sam Houston State University, Police Executive Research Forum, report prepared for the Texas Regional Community Policing Institute.
- Co-authored eight technical reports with research staff at the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) on the following topics: correctional-based programs, revitalizing communities, treatment and rehabilitation, innovative courts programs, prosecutorial responses to drugs and violent crime, domestic and family violence, preventing drug abuse, and combating violence. Reports were prepared for the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice.