Smart structures are a new generation of structures with the capability to detect, analyze, and respond to external unpredictable stimuli to prevent possible damage to the structures and ensure stability and safety of the structures. Such structures are composed of embedded smart materials, an embedded signal processor, and a control unit. Smart structures are being used in a variety of applications, including, aerospace, automobiles, biomedical, civil infrastructures, and robotics.
I am working on the design and development of smart structures with embedded smart materials, particularly, Shape Memory Alloys (SMA), Magnetorheological Fluids (MR), Fiber Brag Grating (FBG), and Piezoelectric. I continuously explore other types of multifunctional materials for possible application as embedded sensors/actuators in smart structures.
In collaboration with electrical, civil, and computer professionals, we are working on innovative signal-processing algorithms and wireless communication systems to develop structural health monitoring techniques for building and civil infrastructures.

We got the 3rd TEES award for our proposal in ” Design a wearable device to protect against hip fracture in elderly due to side falling”.
The system integrates the porosity, lightness, and flexibility of customized foam material with the adaptive viscosity of shear-thickening fluids when exposed to sudden shear changes.
Research Interests
- Design Optimization and machine design
- Vibration analysis and control
- Finite elements analysis and numerical computation
- Smart systems and structures, including sensors and actuators
- Smart composite structures
- Crack Monitoring and control of reinforced concrete structural members using embedded Shape Memory Alloys Cables/wires.
In collaboration with Dr. Rajesh Vuddandam, we are developing a smart RC structures with embedded SMA and sensors array. The RC exhibits a unique characteristics; to detect the crack occurrence and propagation; using the self-centering ability of SMA, limit the crack width propagation.
- Structural health monitoring of coastal buildings subject to Hurricanes and Tornados.
Using an array of sensors, signal processing algorithms, an mobile application, we are developing an efficient system to monitoring the structural integrity, estimate the reliability, and safety of the costal structures subject to Hurricanes and Tornados. The system uses a mobile application to receive, collect and process the signals generated and send by sensing unit.
- Machine Design I
- Machine Design II
- Mechanical Vibration
- Mechanical Experimental Lab
- Thermal-Fulids System Design
- Statics
- Thermodynamics
- 2023 Momeni, S., Zabihollah, A., Behzad, M. Effects of size and location of magnetorheological segments on random vibration response of laminated composite beams using an N-layer of layerwise theory. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 08927057231154427.
- 2023 Momeni, S., Zabihollah, A., Effects of base material and magnetic field on the dynamic response of MR-laminated composite structures. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 1-15.
- 2022 Zareie, S., Hamidia M., Zabihollah, A., , Dolatshahi, KH. Design, validation, and application of a hybrid shape memory alloy-magnetorheological fluid-based core bracing system under tension and compression. Structures, 35,1151-1161
- 2021 Amouie, S., Ghafari, AS. , Zabihollah, A., Moghaddam, SM, Abadi, ZML. Multi-Sensory Balance Board for Children with SPD and ADHD Disorders. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering, 11(6),761
- 2021 Zareie, S., Hamidia M., Zabihollah, A., Dolatshahi, KH. A novel SMA-magnetorheological hybrid bracing system for seismic control.Structures, 35,1151-1161
- 2021 Zareie, S., Ahmad, R., Zabihollah, A., Anas S. I. Dynamic response of frame structures with shape memory alloy-magnetorheological fluid-based bracing system by nonlinear time-history analysis. Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 43, 102914
- 2020 Zareie, S., Alam, M. S., Seethaler, R. J., Zabihollah, A. Recent Advances in the Applications of Shape Memory Alloys in Civil Infrastructures: A Review. Structures. 27 (2020) 1535-1550
- 2020 Zareie, S., Zabihollah, A. A semi-active SMA-MRF structural stability element for seismic control in marine structures. Applied Ocean Research. 100 (2020) 102161
- 2020 Zareie, S., Alam, M. S., Seethaler, R. J., Zabihollah, A. Stability control of a novel frame integrated with an SMA-MRF control system for marine structural applications based on the frequency analysis. Applied Ocean Research, 97,102091
- 2020 Zareie, S., Zabihollah, A. A study of pre-straining shape memory alloy (SMA)-based control elements subject to large-amplitude cyclic loads. Journal of Ships and Offshore Structures,
- 2019 Zareie, S., Alam, M. S., Seethaler, R. J., Zabihollah, A. A novel shape memory alloy-based element for structural stability control in offshore structures under cyclic loading. Journal of Ships and Offshore Structures,
- 2019 Zareie, S., Alam, M. S., Seethaler, R. J., Zabihollah, A. Effect of shape memory alloy-magnetorheological fluid-based structural control system on the marine structure using nonlinear time-history analysis. Applied Ocean Research, 91, 101836.
- 2018 Momeni S, Zabihollah A, Behzad M. Development of an accurate finite element model for N-layer MR-laminated beams using a layerwise theory. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. Oct3;25(13):1148-55.
- 2018 Naji J, Zabihollah A, Behzad M. Vibration characteristics of laminated composite beams with a magnetorheological layer using layerwise theory. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. Feb 17;25(3):202-11.
- 2018 Momeni S, Zabihollah A, Behzad M. A finite element model for tapered laminated beams incorporated with magnetorheological fluid using a layerwise model under random excitations. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. May 15:1-8.
- 2017 Naji J, Zabihollah A, Behzad M. Vibration behavior of laminated composite beams integrated with magnetorheological fluid layer. Journal of Mechanics. Aug;33(4):417-25.
- 2016 Naji J, Zabihollah A, Behzad M. Layerwise theory in modeling of magnetorheological laminated beams and identification of magnetorheological fluid. Mechanics Research Communications. Oct 1;77:50-9.
- 2016 Maleki E, Zabihollah A. Modeling of shot-peening effects on the surface properties of a (TiB+ TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite employing artificial neural networks. Materiali in tehnologije. Jan 1;50(6):851-60.
- 2016 Khayyamim T, Hajsadeghi K, Zabihollah A. A novel optimization algorithm for reliable energy generation based on wind, solar, and fuel cells. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies. Nov;4(6):444-7.
- 2016 Zabihollah A, Momeni S, Ghafari AS. Effects of nanoparticles on the improvement of the dynamic response of nonuniform-thickness laminated composite beams. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. Jan1;30(1):121-5.
- 2015 Maleki E, Sherafatnia K, Pasharavesh A, Zabihollah A. An Investigation of Internal Viscous Damping Effects on the Vibration of a Microbeam Made of Functionally Graded Materials. Applied Mechanics and Materials.Vol. 798: 140-147.
- 2014 Mahmoudpour M, Zabihollah A, Vesaghi M, Kolbadinejad M. Design and analysis of an innovative light tracking device based on opto-thermo-electro-mechanical actuators. Microelectronic Engineering. May 1;119:37-43.
- 2014 Fattahi MZ, Zabihollah A. Vibration of laminated composite structures integrated with magnetorheological fluid segments. Modares Mechanical Engineering 13(12): 156-160.
- 2014 Roghaei M, Zabihollah A. An efficient and reliable structural health monitoring system for buildings after an earthquake. APCBEE procedia. Jan 1;9:309-16.
- 2014 Zabihollah A, Pol MH, SelkGhafari A, Momeni S. Dynamic response of laminated hybrid composite beams reinforced with high weight fraction of nanoparticles. Modares Mechanical Engineering 13(11): 150-153.
- 2013 Kolbadinejad M, Zabihollah A, Khayyat AA, Pour MO. An equivalent electrical circuit design for pipeline corrosion monitoring based on piezoelectric elements. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology.
Mar 1;27(3):799-804. - 2013 Pol MH, Zabihollah A, Zareie S, Liaghat G. Effects of Nanoparticles concentration on the dynamic response of laminated nanocomposite beam. Mechanics. Jan 1;19(1):53-57.
- 2013 Nozarian MM, Adldoost H, Zabihollah A. Crack detection in underground pipelines using piezoelectric sensors. Advanced Science Letters.Mar 1;19(3):770-4.
2012 Sarrafan A, Zareh SH, Khayyat AA, Zabihollah A. Neuro-fuzzy control strategy for an offshore steel jacket platform subjected to wave-induced forces using magnetorheological dampers. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. Apr 1;26(4):1179-96.
- 2012 Zareh SH, Sarrafan A, Khayyat AA, Zabihollah A. Intelligent semi-active vibration control of eleven degrees of freedom suspension system using magnetorheological dampers. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
. Feb 1;26(2):323-34.
2012 Kolbadi Nejad M, Selk Ghafari A, Zabihollah A. Fault Detection in a Cracked Pipeline Embedded with Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators Employing Bond Graph Approach. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 476, 1015-1019. - 2012 Rad FP, Zabihollah A. Monitoring Pipeline Vibration Due to Cavitation through an Orifice By Piezoelectric Sensor.Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 403: 3418-3423.
- 2012 KolbadiNejad M, Selk Ghafari A, Zabihollah A. Fault Detection in a Cracked Pipeline Embedded with Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators Employing Bond Graph Approach. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 476:1015-1019.
2011 Zareie S, Zabihollah A. A failure control method for smart composite morphing airfoil by piezoelectric actuation. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. Vol.35(3):369-81
2011 Sarkandi GI, Zabihollah A. A computational model for health monitoring of storage tanks using fiber Bragg grating optical fiber. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. Dec 1;1(3-4):97-102.- 2011 Zareh SH, Fellahjahromi A, Hayeri R, Khayyat AA, Zabihollah A. LQR and Fuzzy Controller Application with Bingham Modified Model in Semi-Active Vibration Control of 11-DOFs Full Car Suspension System. GSTF Journal on Computing. Aug 1;1(3).
- 2011 Zabihollah A, Zareie S. Optimal design of adaptive laminated beam using layerwise finite element. Journal of Sensors.
- 2011 Sarkandi GI, Zabihollah A. A computational model for health monitoring of storage tanks using fiber Bragg grating optical fiber. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. Dec 1;1(3-4):97-102.
- 2010 Zabihollah A. Effects of structural configuration on vibration control of smart laminated beams under random excitations. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. May 1;24(5):1119-25.
- 2010 Fattahi SJ, Zabihollah A, Zareie S. Vibration monitoring of wind turbine blade using fiber Bragg grating. Wind Engineering. Dec;34(6):721-31.
- 2007 Sokanvar S., Zabihollah A, Sedaghati S. Investigating the effect of the orthotropic property of piezoelectric PVDF. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. 31 (1): 111-125.
- 2007 Zabihollah A, Sedagahti R, Ganesan R. Active vibration suppression of smart laminated beams using layerwise theory and an optimal control strategy. Smart Materials and Structures. Oct 9;16(6):2190.
- 2007 Ganesan R, Zabihollah A. Vibration analysis of tapered composite beams using a higher-order finite element. Part I: Formulation. Composite Structures. Feb 1;77(3):306-18.
- 2007 Ganesan R, Zabihollah A. Vibration analysis of tapered composite beams using a higher-order finite element. Part II: parametric study. Composite Structures. Feb 1;77(3):319-30.
- 2006 Sedaghati R.,Zabihollah,A, Ahari M, . Sensitivity Analysis and Optimal Design of Smart Peizolaminated Composite Beams. AIAA journal. Dec 44(12):2987-2996.
- 2006 Zabihollah, A Ganesan R, Sedaghati, R. Sensitivity analysis and design optimization of smart laminated beams using layerwise theory. Smart materials and structures. Vol.15: 1775–1784.
Selected Conference Papers
- 2023 S. Momeni, A. Zabihollah, Damped response of sandwich composite structures integrated with MR fluid under Impulse loading,
4th Edition of International Conference on Materials Science And Engineering
2019 Zareie S, Alam MS, Seethaler RJ, Zabihollah A. A shape memory alloy-magnetorheological fluid core bracing system for civil engineering applications: feasibility study. Proceedings of the 7th International Specialty Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials.
2019 M. Sh. Alam, R. Seethaler, A. Zabihollah, Sh. Zareie, Effect of cyclic loads on shape memory alloy-based component of cable-stayed bridge, 7th International Specialty Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials, Montreal, Canada, April 2019
2017 Zareie S, Alam MS, Seethaler RJ, Zabihollah A. Experimental work on the dynamic behavior of laminated composite beam incorporated with magneto-rheological fluid under random excitation. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on mechatronics and robotics engineering, Paris, France from February 8-12,2017, ACM. 156-161.
2017 Zabihollah, A. Selk Ghafari,A. Yadegari, A. Rashidi D. Effects of MR-fluid on low-velocity impact response of MR-laminated beams. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1858
2015 Zabihollah A., Entesari F., Alimohmmadi H. Fault detection of wind turbine blade under sudden change of wind speed condition using fiber optics.2015 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS). IEEE, 1-4
2012 M. Sabour, M.H. Pol, A. Zabihollah, Sh. Zareie, Experimental Investigation on Damping of Nano-composite Laminated Beam Structures, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 7-9 August 2012 Paper No. 227
2012 Adldoost H., Rezaeian Jouibary B., Zabihollah A. Design of SMA micro-gripper for minimally invasive surgery. 19th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering (ICBME). IEEE. 97-100
2011 Fattahi. J., Zabihollah A., Adldoost H. Multi-sensing grasper for minimally invasive surgery. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). IEEE. 344-349
2011 Zareie S., Zabihollah A., Azizi A. Buckling control of morphing composite airfoil structure using multi-stable laminate by piezoelectric sensors/actuators. Proceedings Volume 7978, Behavior and Mechanics of Multi-functional Materials and Composites, 79781Z,
2011 Sarrafan A., Zareh S.H., Zabihollah A., Khayyat A.A. Intelligent vibration control of micro-cantilever beam in MEMS.IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics. IEEE. 336-341.
2011 Sarrafan A., Zareh S.H., Khayyat A.A., Zabihollah A. Performance of an offshore platform with MR dampers subjected to wave. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics. 242-247
2010 Daneshfard M.S, Zabihollah A. Semi-Active Vibration Control of a Marine Structure With Magnetorheological (MR) Dampers Utilizing LQR Method.ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 651-659
2010 Jahromi A.F., Zabihollah A. Semi-Active Vibration Control of a Passenger Car Using Magnetorheological Shock Absorber. Proceeding of ASME 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis.pp.21-27.
2010 Jahromi A.F., Zabihollah A. Linear quadratic regulator and fuzzy controller application in a full-car model of suspension system with magnetorheological shock absorber.Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications. 522-528.
2010 Dezfouli S., Zabihollah A. Structural health monitoring of buried pipelines under static dislocation and vibration.Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems
and Applications. 325-329.
2009 Ghaffari H., Zabihollah A., Saeedi E., Ahmadi R. Vibration-based damage detection in smart nonuniform thickness laminated composite beams.2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH). 176-181.
2009 Ghaffari H., Zabihollah A., Saeedi E., Ahmadi R. Application of vibration-based technique in health monitoring of multi-stable laminated composites.2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH). 170-175.
2009 Hortamani R., Zabihollah A. Modeling and Simulation of Graspers Force in Minimally Invasive Surgery. 2009 International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, IEEE. 475-479.
2009 Lati-Navid M., Zareie S., Zabihollah A. Comparison of classical and optimal control strategies applied for active vibration suppression of adaptive laminated beams. Third International Conference on Modeling,
Simulation and Applied Optimization.Sharjah, UAE. 2009. - 2007 Zabihollah A., Ganesan R., Sedaghati R. Analysis and Design Optimization of Smart Laminated Composite, 175-179.
- Professional Engineer (P.Eng), Ontario, Canada, 2006
- Professional Engineer (P.Eng), Alberta, Canada, 2020
- ISO 9001-2005, TUVNord, 2011
- 2007 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering (Solid Mechanics), Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- 2003 M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering (Solid Mechanics) Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- 1990 B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering (Thermo-Fluids), Sharif University of Technology, Iran