Gandhi, S., Edwards, J., & Glaman, R. (2023). Social media platform preference by older adults during large-scale disasters – an AI-based analysis of behaviors and attitudes. [Grant].National Institutes of Health. [Under review, amount: $135,000]
Glaman, R. (2022). Faculty development grant. [Grant]. Tarleton State University. [Funded, amount: $136.00]
Edwards, A., Pearson, S., Glaman, R., Nepal, B., & Jones, D. (2022). CUE-P: Broadening participation in computing by strengthening the two-year to four-year college transition in computing. [Grant]. National Science Foundation. [Not funded, amount: $1,901,064]
Edwards, A., Pearson, S., Glaman, R., Nepal, B., & Jones, D. (2022). CUE-T: Broadening participation in computing by providing effective, workforce-aligned, and equitable online learning experiences. [Grant]. National Science Foundation. [Not funded, amount: $1,750,981]
Jones, D. G., Sadashiva, T. G., Leach, L. F., & Glaman, R. (2022). Texans teach computer science (T2CS): A research-practitioner partnership model for preparing rural high school computer science teachers. [Grant]. National Science Foundation. [Not funded, amount: $299,991.00]
Glaman, R. (2021). Faculty development grant. [Grant]. Tarleton State University. [Funded, amount: $420.00]
Jones, B., McCutcheon, B., Spencer, J., Brady, J., Kurouski, D., Speshock, J., Smith, W. B., Glaman, R., & Enger, B. (2021). Improved control of mastitis through precision dairy technologies and extension training. [Grant]. USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. [Not funded, Tarleton State University sub-award amount: $101,418.00]
Jones, D. G., Sadashiva, T. G., Leach, L. F., & Glaman, R. (2021). Texans teach computer science (T2CS): A research-practitioner partnership model for preparing rural high school computer science teachers. [Grant]. Carnegie Corporation of New York. [Not funded, amount: $250,294.80]
Glaman, R. (2018). Faculty development grant. [Grant]. Tarleton State University. [Not funded, amount: $500.00]
Honors and Awards
2021 Tarleton State University Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
2020 Tarleton State University College of Education Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
2017 UNT Outstanding Graduate Student in Educational Research Award
2016 UNT Excellence in Professional Service in Educational Psychology Award
2016 UNT Toulouse Graduate School Graduate Student Travel Grant
2016 UNT College of Education Graduate Student Travel Grant
2016 UNT Educational Psychology Department Graduate Student Travel Grant
2016 SERA Dean’s Award for Exceptional Graduate Research
2015 Graduate Assistantship Tuition Scholarship
2013 University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award