Publications – Dr. Ryan Glaman



Torres, W. C., Leach, L. F., Glaman, R., & Higham, J. R. (2023). Learning beyond the content: A dissertation in practice on workforce skills development at community colleges. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 8(3), 32-43.

Gandhi, S., Glaman, R., Wachira, E., Bashir, M., Sharma, S., Mowles, C., & Luttrell, J. (2022). Mental health, chronic disease, and substance use: Findings from rural Texas. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, 16(1), 134-150.

Glaman, R., Chen, Q., & Henson, R. K. (2022). Comparing three approaches for handling a fourth level of nesting structure in cluster-randomized trials. Journal of Experimental Education, 90(3), 712-730. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2020.1814684

Gandhi, S., Glaman, R., Yeager, J., & Smith, M. (2021). Evaluation of anxiety and self confidence among baccalaureate nursing students post pandemic simulation exercise. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 56, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2021.04.007

Gandhi, S., Yeager, J., & Glaman, R. (2021). Implementation and evaluation of a pandemic simulation exercise among undergraduate public health and nursing students: A mixed methods study. Nurse Education Today, 98(2021), 1-8.

Leach, L. F., Reyes, J. M., Baker, C., Glaman, R., Barkley, J. M., Beach, D. M., Higham, J. R., Rynearson, K., Weber, M., Farmer, T. A., Bowden, R., Brock, J., & Bunch, P. (2020). Approaching EdD program redesign as a problem of practice. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 5, 7-15.

Middlemiss, W., Glaman, R., Seddio, K., Suerken, C. K., Reboussin, B. A., Daniel, S. S., Payne, C. C., Leerkes, E., & Grzywacz, J. G. (2018). Supporting lower-income working women to initiate breastfeeding: Learning who is breastfeeding and what helps. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 30, 519-528.

Glaman, R., & Chen, Q. (2018). Measurement invariance of a classroom engagement measure among academically at-risk students. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2345), 1-9.

Chen, Q., Luo, W., Palardy, G. J., Glaman, R., & McEnturff, A. (2017). The efficacy of common fit indices for enumerating classes in growth mixture models when nested data structure is ignored: A Monte Carlo study. SAGE Open, 7(1), 1-19.

Chow, C. M., & Glaman, R. (2013). Support-seeking and closeness across social relationships: Relationship-general and relationship-specific levels analysis. Interpersona, 7(1), 88-96.

Manuscripts Under Review

Avery, J., Leach, L. F., Beach, D. M., Glaman, R., & Ross, S. (2023). Black females’ lived experiences in obtaining and maintaining high school principal positions. Manuscript under review.

Manuscripts in Progress

Kirksey, T., Glaman, R., Reyes, J. M., & Beach, D. (2023). Was it you, me, or we? Exploring the effects of students support services intervention and student resilience on academic achievement in an early college high school program. Manuscript in progress.

Glaman, R. (2023). Doctoral students’ academic research reading ability: A mixed methods study. Manuscript in progress.


Byrd, C. M., & Glaman, R. (2023, February). Defining teacher dispositions: A phenomenological investigation of teacher evaluators. [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States.

Gandhi, S., Glaman, R., Mashir, M., Gandhi, V., & Smith, J. (2022, November). COVID-19 related disparities among students attending a rural Texas university: A cross sectional study [Poster session]. American Public Health Association meeting, Boston, MA, United States.

Brock, J. D., Beach, D. M., & Glaman, R. (2022, November). Division II and the academic clustering phenomenon: A widespread analysis [Poster session]. Association for the Study of Higher Education Meeting, Virtual.

Kirksey, T., & Glaman, R. (2022, October). Students speak; We listen and act: Exploring early college high school student perceptions and identifying actionable steps to enhance support structures [Conference session]. Pathways to Texas CCMR Summit, White Settlement, TX, United States.

Leach, L., Glaman, R., & Rhone, R. (2022, October). Using simulation to scaffold problem of practice identification for students [Workshop]. Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate Convening, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.

Glaman, R. (2022, April). New to higher education? Tips and strategies for success as a new faculty member [Conference session]. Tarleton State University Educational Excellence Week, Virtual.

Gandhi, S., Glaman, R., & Smith, J. (2022, March). The impacts of COVID-19 among students attending a rural university [Poster session]. Regional Student Scholars Forum Meeting, Shreveport, LA, United States.

Brock, J., Beach, D. M., & Glaman, R. (2022, February). The NCAA reclassification transition to Division I athletics: An analysis of the academic clustering phenomenon [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Gandhi, S. Glaman, R., & Smith, J. (2022, February). The impacts of COVID-19 among students attending a rural university [Poster session]. Tarleton State University President’s Excellence in Research Scholars Symposium, Stephenville, TX, United States.

Gandhi, S., Yeager, J., & Glaman, R. (2021, April). Implementation and evaluation of a
pandemic simulation exercise among undergraduate public health and nursing students: A mixed-methods study
[Paper session]. Tarleton State University Educational Excellence Week, Virtual.

Bell, A., Glaman, R., Baker, C., & Leach, L. (2021, February). Social distancing or social emotional damage? A qualitative examination of teachers’ and parents’ response to COVID-19 [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, Virtual.

Dorris, D., & Glaman, R. (2020, February). Center for Transformative Learning [Conference session]. HIPs in the States 2020 Conference, College Station, TX, United States.

Leach, L. F., Baker, C., Glaman, R. Brock, J., & Bunch, P. (2020, February). Holistic development of a common writing rubric [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, Arlington, TX, United States.

Leach, L. F., Baker, C., Glaman, R., Bunch, P., & Brock, J. (2019, October). Holistic development of a writing rubric for use across the curriculum [Conference session]. Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Convening, Columbia, SC, United States.

Glaman, R. (2019, February). Doctoral students’ academic research reading ability: A mixed methods study [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States.

Glaman, R. (2019, January). Doctoral students’ academic research reading ability: A mixed methods study [Poster session]. Tarleton State University Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium, Stephenville, TX, United States.

Brock, J., & Glaman, R. (2018, November). Academic clustering and Division II athletics: Exploratory research on Tarleton State University [Paper session]. Pathways Student Research Symposium, Canyon, TX, United States.

Leach, L. F., Reyes, J., Baker, C., Barkley, J. M., Beach, D. M., Glaman, R., Higham, J. R., Rynearson, K., Weber, M., & Farmer, T. A. (2018, February). Approaching Ed.D. program redesign as a problem of practice [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Glaman, R., & Chen, Q. (2017, April). Longitudinal measurement invariance of a measure of classroom engagement [Poster session]. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Austin, TX, United States.

Seddio, K., Glaman, R., & Suerken, C. (2016, November). Does cosleeping increase breastfeeding in impoverished working women? In W. Middlemiss (Chair), Translate science to practice: Model to eliminate racial disparity in SUID [Symposium]. National Council on Family Relations Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Glaman, R. & Chen, Q. (2016, April). The impact of ignoring a higher level of nesting in cluster-randomized experiments: A simulation study [Paper session]. American Educational Research Association Meeting, Washington D.C., United States.

Ferguson S. L., Glaman, R., Kabakci, M., & Newbrand, D. M. (2016, February). An
introduction to mediation and moderation in R
[Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Glaman, R. (2016, February). Predicting interest in mathematics from views on math utility and self-efficacy [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Powell, M. G., Glaman, R., & Ferguson, S. L. (2016, February). Use of common structural equation modeling fit indices in educational psychology research: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Paper session]. Southwest Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Glaman, R., Lishner, D. A., & Fahrner, A. (2014, February). Uncovering the relations among religiosity, empathic concern, and helping [Poster session]. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Meeting, Austin, TX, United States.

Glaman, R., & Groshek, C. J. (2010, April). Factors underlying political views: Regulation, compassion, and (not) awareness of death [Poster session]. University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stevens Point, WI, United States.