Dr. Peter White – Professor


Classes for Fall 2022 (August 18 – December 9)

  • (82555) MATH 3433-010, MWF 8-8:50 am in room: Math 334 – Calculus III.  Text: “Calculus” by Stewart, 7th edition (either the multivariable or the three semester book).  Some content in CANVAS.  Must also sign up for CRN: 82556.
  • (82556) MATH 3433-510, TR 8-9:15 am in room: 334 – Calculus III.
  • (89449) MATH 2414-010, MWF 9-9:50 am in room: Math 314 – Calculus II. Text: “Calculus, Early Trancendentals” by Stewart, 7th edition.  Some content in CANVAS.  Must also sign up for CRN: 89450.
  • (89450) MATH 2414-510, TR 9:25-10:40 am in room: Math 314 – Calculus II.
  • (82530) MATH 1342-040, TR 1:40-2:55 pm in room: Math 209 – Elementary Statistical Methods.  Text: “Statistics” by McClave and Sincich, 13th edition.

Classes for Summer 2022 (June 29 – August 10)

  • (63305) MATH 3433-520 online – Calculus III. Text: “Calculus” by Stewart, 7th edition (either the multivariable or the three semester book).  Some content in CANVAS.  Must also sign up for CRN: 63306.
  • (63306) MATH 3433-620 online – Calculus III.

Office Hours for Fall 2022 (August 18 – December 9)

Physical office: Math 331

  • MWF 10-10:50 am TR 3-3:50 pm,
  • or by appointment (email professor in CANVAS).


As a TSU student, you may obtain a student license for Mathematica from Wolfram and/or sign up to use a web version of Mathematica.  Instructions can be found here.

If you install Mathematica on your own machine, please use Wolfram’s tech support to resolve any issues.