Spring 2015 Semester
MATH 2413-010/510 MWF 9-9:50 a.m. and TR 8-9:15 a.m.
Labs (Mathematica notebooks)
Clicking on the lab will open the Mathematica notebook in a web interface (using a plug-in). To work within the notebooks, save the notebook to your local storage, launch Mathematica from the start menu and open the saved file.
- lab01introduction.nb
- lab02limits.nb
- lab03derivatives1.nb
- lab04derivatives2.nb
- lab05inplicitgraphs.nb
- lab06linearapprox.nb
- Lab07MaxMin.nb
- Lab08Graphs.nb
- Lab09RiemannSums.nb, RightLeftMidpointMethod.nb
- lab10integrals.nb
Text: Calculus, Early Transcendentals 7th edition by Stewart (see syllabus for purchase options).