Articles/Presentations – Dr. Jesse Crawford
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Crawford, J., Venkataraman, K., and Booth, J. (2019). Developing Climate Model Ensembles: A Comparitive Case Study . Journal of Hydrology , 568, 160-173.
White, P., Emmert, K., and Crawford, J. (2018). A Bifurcation Problem in Two Pond Amphibian Population Modeling. Proceedings for the 29th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics .
Venkataraman, K., Crawford, J., and Emmert, K. (2015). Modeling the Impact of CAFOs on Nitrate Contamination in the Middle Trinity Aquifer of Central Texas. Proceedings of the 2015 Environmental and Water Resources Institute .
Andersson, S. A., Crawford, J. B. (2014). A Likelihood Ratio Test for Equality of Natural Parameters for Generalized Riesz Distributions . Sankhya, The Indian Journal of Statistics, 77A(1), 186-210 .
Andersson, S. A., Crawford, J. B. (2010). General Canonical Correlations with Applications to Group Symmetry Models . Journal of Multivariate Analysis , 101(7), 1547-1558.
Ensemble Models of Climate Variability in the Gulf Basin Region of North America , Mathematical Association of America Texas Section meeting, El Centro College, April 2018.
Modeling the Impact of CAFOs on Nitrate Contamination of Water Wells , Mathematical Association of America Texas Section meeting, Stephen F. Austin State University, April 2016.
A Brief Introduction to Game Theory , TSU Math Club, November 2014.
Testing Equality of Natural Parameters for Generalized Riesz Distributions Mathematical Association of America Texas Section meeting, Texas A&M International University, April 2014.
The Impact of Innovative Student Success Strategies in Freshman Mathematics Courses , Faculty and Staff Lunch Lounge, Tarleton State University, March 2014.
An Analysis of Admissions Standards Based on High School Rank and SAT Scores , Mathematical Association of America Texas Section meeting, Texas Tech University, April 2013.
A Brief Introduction to Game Theory , TSU Math Club, April 2011.
Group Actions in Statistics , Mathematical Association of America Texas Section meeting, University of Texas at Tyler, April 2011. Essentially the canonical correlations talk given at COTS but retooled for a more mathematical audience.
Overview of Mathematical Statistics , TSU Math Club, April 2009.
Canonical Correlations for Group Symmetry Models , Conference of Texas Statisticians, March 2009.